Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout

R. von Brachel, K. Hötzel, G. Hirschfeld, E. Rieger, U. Schmidt, J. Kosfelder, T. Hechler, D. Schulte, S. Vocks, Journal of Medical Internet Research 16 (2014).

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Artikel | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
von Brachel, Ruth; Hötzel, Katrin; Hirschfeld, GerritFH Bielefeld ; Rieger, Elizabeth; Schmidt, Ulrike; Kosfelder, Joachim; Hechler, Tanja; Schulte, Dietmar; Vocks, Silja
Journal of Medical Internet Research


von Brachel, Ruth ; Hötzel, Katrin ; Hirschfeld, Gerrit ; Rieger, Elizabeth ; Schmidt, Ulrike ; Kosfelder, Joachim ; Hechler, Tanja ; Schulte, Dietmar ; u. a.: Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout. In: Journal of Medical Internet Research Bd. 16, JMIR Publications Inc. (2014), Nr. 3
von Brachel R, Hötzel K, Hirschfeld G, et al. Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2014;16(3). doi:10.2196/jmir.3104
von Brachel, R., Hötzel, K., Hirschfeld, G., Rieger, E., Schmidt, U., Kosfelder, J., … Vocks, S. (2014). Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(3).
@article{von Brachel_Hötzel_Hirschfeld_Rieger_Schmidt_Kosfelder_Hechler_Schulte_Vocks_2014, title={Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout}, volume={16}, DOI={10.2196/jmir.3104}, number={3e92}, journal={Journal of Medical Internet Research}, publisher={JMIR Publications Inc.}, author={von Brachel, Ruth and Hötzel, Katrin and Hirschfeld, Gerrit and Rieger, Elizabeth and Schmidt, Ulrike and Kosfelder, Joachim and Hechler, Tanja and Schulte, Dietmar and Vocks, Silja}, year={2014} }
Brachel, Ruth von, Katrin Hötzel, Gerrit Hirschfeld, Elizabeth Rieger, Ulrike Schmidt, Joachim Kosfelder, Tanja Hechler, Dietmar Schulte, and Silja Vocks. “Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 16, no. 3 (2014).
R. von Brachel et al., “Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 16, no. 3, 2014.
von Brachel, Ruth, et al. “Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout.” Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 16, no. 3, e92, JMIR Publications Inc., 2014, doi:10.2196/jmir.3104.


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