Online Learning

E-learning management platform ILIAS

ILIAS is your central platform to enjoy a variety of teaching and learning materials, discussion forums, wikis, link lists and other content, independent of time and place. In addition to having access to specific course materials (lecture notes, interactive exercises, video tutorials, practical training instructions etc.), you can also make use of a wide range of interdisciplinary offers, such as courses on IT, soft skills, learning techniques or language courses.

University library’s ILIAS course room

Your university library offers a course room in ILIAS to all university members: University Library: knowledge and information online

You can obtain tips for literature research in your faculty, literature management programs such as Citavi, self-tests, forums, video trainings and materials for workshops of the university library.

Self-study courses

Language courses – Speexx

Speexx offers online language courses for English, Spanish, French, Italian or German. The self-study lessons enable you to improve your language skills free of charge.
Go to the Speexx online language courses


Online training courses – LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning offers video tutorials to improve your computer skills, such as:

  • Office software (e.g. Excel or Word), 3-D construction and CAD, graphics and creative software
  • Web design, programming, IT administration, development and IT infrastructure
  • Photography, mobile computing, digital lifestyle

You have access to all video tutorials in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese. To be able to use the content, you need to register on LinkedIn Learning online or via app.

Initial registration. (with university e-mail address only)
Login without LinkedIn-profile.
Login with Linkedin-profile.

Media portal

The university’s Learning Services team regularly posts video tutorials on the university’s media portal. Among other things, we have prepared an ILIAS playlist for you, set up channels featuring tutorials on the university library or ILIAS and we will show you how Word and  Citavi work.


Lecturio are video courses offered by the Wiso database. Some of the tutorials are available in English. You can find the tutorials by clicking on “Videokurse” [1] in the navigation on the left and then clicking on “Erweiterte Suche” [2] in the centre below the search slot. Then select your desired category by entering what you are looking for in “Kategorie” [3, 4, 5] and restrict the language to English.

Wie finde ich Videokurse in der WISO Datenbank
Library video tutorials

The university library provides video tutorials on the media portal. Certain contents, such as videos on library use, searching for specialist literature or your own library account include English subtitles.

Virtual Library tour Bielefed Campus (5:03 min)
How to find books and ebooks (4:27 min)
How to access the campus network - vpn (2:54 min)
Find electronic journal articles (1:53 min)