
Maschinelles Lernen, Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Photovoltaik – Ertragsprognosen, Einstrahlungspotentiale, Fehlererkennung in PV-Feldern, Energie-und Raumklimamonitoring, gesundes Raumklima, Energiekonzepte, BigData, Userakzeptanz, IT-Sicherheit, Webapplikationen


Modellierung, Optimierung, Mathematische Methoden


With the new „Center for Applied Data Science“ (CfADS) research center on the Gütersloh campus, the University of Applied Science Bielefeld will be perfectly equipped to explore and shape the digital world of companies and institutions. The main focus is on the application and implementation oriented execution of innovative reseach and development projects in the field of data acquisition, data processing and data analysis, for example for the digitilazation and optimization of work and business processes. The CfADS is funded as part of the „Research Infrastructures“ competition with funds from the European Regional Development Fond (EFRE) and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
