Physics-Informed Neural Networks to predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems

F. Gumpert, E. Vambolt, M. Schmidt, L. Fromme, A. Dietz, J. Lohbreier, in: 2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS), IEEE, 2024, pp. 1–7.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Gumpert, Fabian; Vambolt, Eugen; Schmidt, Michael; Fromme, LarsFH Bielefeld ; Dietz, Armin; Lohbreier, Jan
Titel des Konferenzbandes
2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS)
2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS)
Bamberg, Germany
2024-06-05 – 2024-06-06


Gumpert, Fabian ; Vambolt, Eugen ; Schmidt, Michael ; Fromme, Lars ; Dietz, Armin ; Lohbreier, Jan: Physics-Informed Neural Networks to predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems. In: 2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS) : IEEE, 2024, S. 1–7
Gumpert F, Vambolt E, Schmidt M, Fromme L, Dietz A, Lohbreier J. Physics-Informed Neural Networks to predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems. In: 2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS). IEEE; 2024:1-7. doi:10.1109/EPTS61482.2024.10586741
Gumpert, F., Vambolt, E., Schmidt, M., Fromme, L., Dietz, A., & Lohbreier, J. (2024). Physics-Informed Neural Networks to predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems. In 2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS) (pp. 1–7). Bamberg, Germany: IEEE.
@inproceedings{Gumpert_Vambolt_Schmidt_Fromme_Dietz_Lohbreier_2024, title={Physics-Informed Neural Networks to predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems}, DOI={10.1109/EPTS61482.2024.10586741}, booktitle={2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Gumpert, Fabian and Vambolt, Eugen and Schmidt, Michael and Fromme, Lars and Dietz, Armin and Lohbreier, Jan}, year={2024}, pages={1–7} }
Gumpert, Fabian, Eugen Vambolt, Michael Schmidt, Lars Fromme, Armin Dietz, and Jan Lohbreier. “Physics-Informed Neural Networks to Predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems.” In 2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS), 1–7. IEEE, 2024.
F. Gumpert, E. Vambolt, M. Schmidt, L. Fromme, A. Dietz, and J. Lohbreier, “Physics-Informed Neural Networks to predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems,” in 2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS), Bamberg, Germany, 2024, pp. 1–7.
Gumpert, Fabian, et al. “Physics-Informed Neural Networks to Predict the Power Transmission of Electric Road Systems.” 2024 1st International Conference on Production Technologies and Systems for E-Mobility (EPTS), IEEE, 2024, pp. 1–7, doi:10.1109/EPTS61482.2024.10586741.


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