Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Dipl.-Volksw.

Rainer Lenz

Lehrgebiet Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. betriebliche Außenwirtschaft
Raum B 426
Telefon +49.521.106-70212
Telefax +49.521.106-5086
  • (Finanzierung und) Investition
  • Finanzierung (und Investition)
  • Finanzmanagement
  • Managerial Finance
  • Oct. 2021
    Lenz, R., Kleinheyer, B., Barkel, C., Veuger, J., Tsangaratos, P., Klõga, M., Llorente, J.: State of Digitalization in European Municipal Waste Management Comparative Study – five EU member countries Estonia, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, and Spain. Published within the EU ERASMUS+ project: BlockWASTE. Available at SSRN:
  • July 2021
    Lenz, R.: Blockchain Applications for Waste Management - Analysis of Blockchain Use cases in Waste Management and General Guidance for Starting Blockchain Projects. Published within the EU ERASMUS+ project: BlockWASTE. Available at SSRN:
  • March 2021
    Lenz, R., Kleinheyer, B., Barkel, C., Veuger, J., Tsangaratos, P., Klõga, M., Llorente, J.: Blockchain and European Higher Education Systems: A snapshot on the diffusion process of Blockchain Innovation into European Academia. Comparative study of Blockchain in Higher Education Systems of Estonia, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, and Spain. Published within the EU ERASMUS+ project: BlockWASTE Available at SSRN:  
  • August 2019
    Lenz, R.: „Big Data: Ethics and Law“, published within the EU ERASMUS+ project: CHEDTEB.
    Available at SSRN: or
    Posts on this article are available at the following blogs:
    “Machine Lawyering” of Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development – faculty of law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Oxford Business Law Blog (OBLB) – University of Oxford

  • March 2019
    Lenz, R.: Managing Distributed Ledgers: Blockchain and beyond, published within the EU ERASMUS+ project: CHEDTEB. Available at SSRN:

  • Dec. 2016
    Lenz, R.: Peer-to-Peer Lending: Opportunities and Risks, in European Journal of Risk and Regulation (EJRR), Special Issue on the Risks and Opportunities of the Shared Economy, Vol. 7, No. 4, p. 688 – 700. Available at SSRN:
  • Dec. 2015
    Lenz, R.: "Take Care of the Crowd!" - Legal Protection of Retail Investors in Crowdfunding is Long Overdue, published by Finance Watch as Blog article Available at SSRN:
  • June 2015
    Lenz, R.: Banking 2025: Die Bank der Zukunft (Banking 2025: The business model "Bank" in the Future), in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 5/2015;Available in German at SSRN: and in English:
  • June 2015
    Lenz, R. Konsumentenschutz im Crowdfunding (investor protection within crowd funding),  in: Jahrbuch Crowdfunding 2015, ed. Gadja, O., Serrar, K, Schwarz, F., forthcoming;
  • Sept. 2012
    Lenz, R., Banking without banks, The financial system needs a fundamental reform, in: Banking and Financial Services Policy Report: A Journal on Trends in Regulation and Supervision, Vol. 31, No. 09, 2012.
  • June 2012
    Lenz, R., Der Finanzmarkt braucht keine Banken, Plädoyer für eine grundlegende Finanzreform (Financial markets don't need banks, plea for a fundamental financial reform), in: Internationale Politikanalyse, ed. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin 2012. Online available:
  • Sept. 2011
    Lenz, R.: Get rid of banks and build up a modern financial world!, paper for the 17th workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, Vienna/Austria, workshop title: European integration at the crossroads: Deepening or disintegration? Available at SSRN:
  • June 2011
    Lenz, R., Die Krise in der Eurozone, Finanzmanagement ohne Finanzpolitik (Crisis in the Eurozone, Financial Management without a Financial Policy), in: Internationale Politikanalyse, ed. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin 2011. Available in German at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung:, available in English:
  • April 2011
    Lenz, R., Bankenrettung - die Zweite (banking bailout - number two), Warum Portugal den EU-Kredit bekommt und die Euro-Staaten das Land nicht fallen lassen, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 18.04.2011.
  • Dec. 2010
    Lenz, R., Yield Curve Analysis, Choosing the Optimal Maturity Date of Investments and Financing. Available at SSRN
  • May. 2010
    Lenz, R.: Merger and Acquisition Pricing: The Valuation of Synergy, in: Baker, K. and P. English (eds.). Capital Budgeting Valuation; Financial Analysis for Today`s Investment Projects, published by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. forthcoming 2011.
  • Feb.2010
    Lenz, R. and C. Steinhaus: Internationalization of Universities as Internationalization of Bildung, under review. Available at SSRN
  • Aug. 2009
    Lenz, R.: Das Finanzsystem braucht einen Neustart (The financial system needs a restart), in: "Handelsblatt" August 11th, 2009.
  • July 2009
    Lenz, R.: The "Bank" - an institution coming to an end. Outline for a Fundamental Reorganization of the Financial Sector, in: Management Online REview, July 27th , 2009, ISSN: 1996-3300. Available at
  • Dec. 2008
    Lenz, R.: Culture as an individual process, Deficits of national cultural theories in management of cultural diversity, Available at SSRN:
  • Dec. 2008
    Lenz, R. and C. Pascoa Machado: Virtual Teamwork: A Product of Globalization. Implications for University Education, in: Barsky, N.P.; Clements, M.; Ravn, J.; Smith, K. (eds.) "The Power of Technology for Learning", EDINEB book series on 'Advances in Business Education & Training', Springer 2008, page 77-93.
    Also available in SSRN:
  • Nov. 2007
    Lenz, R.: Virtuelle Teamarbeit - ein Produkt der Globalisierung, DNH, Band 48, Heft 4-5/07, S. 36-38. available in SSRN .
  • Nov. 2007
    Lenz, R.: The Logic of Merger and Acquisition Pricing; available in SSRN:,
  • Aug. 2003
    Lenz, R./J.P. Kempf: Barwertorientierte Zinsbuchsteuerung im Depot A Geschäft der Sparkassen (Present Value oriented Asset-Liability Management of German Saving banks); Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen (Journal for Banking), S. 399-404.
  • Dec. 2003
    Lenz, R./L. Temme: Asset Backed Securities - ein Finanzierungsinstrument für Kreditgenossenschaften, ("Asset Backed Securities - a Finance Instrument for the Cooperative Banking sector) in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen (Journal for Banking), S. 660-666.
  • 28. June 2000
    Lenz, R.: Bruttoinlandsprodukt als Maß des Wirtschaftswachstums, Schlüsselkennzahlen für die Märkte (7), ("Market Movers - GDP as a measure of economic growth"), in: Handelsblatt Nr. 122.
  • 21. June 2000
    Lenz, R.: Ifo-Geschäftsklima ist ein zentraler Indikator für den Konjunkturverlauf, Schlüsselkennzahlen für die Märkte (6), ("Market Movers - Ifo business confidence as key leading economic indicator"), in: Handelsblatt Nr. 118.
  • 07. June 2000
    Lenz, R.: Der Auftragseingang ist ein früher Indikator des Konjunkturverlaufs, Schlüsselkennzahlen für die Märkte (4), ("Market Movers - New orders as an leading indicator of the economic cycle"), in: Handelsblatt Nr. 109.
  • 24. May 2000
    Lenz, R.: Zinspolitik: Geldmenge spielt eine wichtige Rolle, Schlüsselkennzahlen für die Märkte (2), ("Market Movers - Money Supply plays an important role"), in: Handelsblatt Nr. 103.
  • 17. May 2000
    Lenz, R./M. Moersch: Konjunkturdaten lassen die Märkte erbeben, Schlüsselkennzahlen für die Märkte (1), ("Market Movers - key data for the financial markets"), in: Handelsblatt Nr. 95, 17.
  • May 1999
    Lenz, R.: Rußland - Am Ende eines Reformflickwerks (Russia - at the end or at the beginning of a reform process?), in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, p. 6-7.
  • Oct. 1999
    Lenz, R.: Konvertibilität des Rubels - Monetäre Integration der Russischen Föderation, (Convertibility of the Rouble - Monetary integration of the Russian Federation) Transfer Verlag, Regensburg.
  • Sept. 1999
    Lenz, R.: Convertibility of the Rouble - Monetary integration of the Russian Federation, in: Intereconomics - Review of International Trade and Development, HWWA-Institute, Vol 34, No. 5, p. 241-254.
  • May 1999
    Lenz, R.: Der "Squeeze" im Bund-Future - Zur Diskussion um eine Änderung der Kontraktspezifikationen, (The squeeze in the Bund Future - contributing to the discussion about a change in the Bund Future contract specifications) in: Börsen-Zeitung Nr. 95, 21.
  • 1999
    Lenz, R./ Specht, B.: Bonds issued by regional and local governments in Europe, in: The Euromoney Guide to International Debt Capital Markets 1999, published by Euromoney Books, London, p. 29-36.
  • 1999
    Lenz, R.: Jumbos and Bunds - after the financial market crisis and under the euro, in: Pfandbrief News 1/99, bimonthly Journal, published by the Association of German Mortgage Banks, Bonn.
  • 26. Nov. 1997
    Lenz, R.: Repos optimal zur Zinsarbitrage nutzen, (Using Repurchase Agreement as an instrument for interest rate arbitrage) in: Börsen-Zeitung, no. 227.
  • June 1988
    Lenz, R.: "Investment Criteria for Venture Capital Investment Companies", in: GMD working papers no.318, Bonn.
  • Sep. 1988
    Nefiodow/Lenz: The Market for Venture Capital in Germany, OECD-Workshop on Information, Technology and New Economic Growth Opportunities for the 90´s, Tokyo.
Curriculum Vitae

Since 2001 - up to now (with leaves of absence)
Professor for International Finance, full-time, tenured-track faculty position, C3 University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany

Oct. 2012 - March 2014
Economic Advisor at the Namibian Ministry of Finance in Windhoek/Namibia. Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Advisory Service (EPAS) at Ministry of Finance

1998 - 2000
Head of the Bond Analysis and Investment Strategy Group in the Fixed Income Department, DG BANK Frankfurt Middle management position: Deputy head of department

1994 - 1997
"Floor-Economist" (Economist at the Trading Floor) in the Fixed Income Department of DG BANK, Frankfurt, Analysis of investment opportunities in spot and forward markets and consulting for institutional bank clients

1991 - 1994
Economic Advisor to Mr. Arno Schmidt, MP (Member of the Deutsche Bundestag, Federal Parliament), Advisory on economic problems of the German reunification, drafting of amendments for the Committee on Economic Cooperation, press work and speech writing

1990 - 1993
Lecturer in Economics at several private colleges for professional education and training (e.g.: Bank Akademie, Deutsche Angestellten Akademie and Control Data Institut)

1986 - 1989
Research assistant at the "Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (German Federal State Research Institute; Institute for Mathematics and Data Processing)

  • Blockchain Applications, Token Economy and Decentralized Finance.

    Q Blockchain public key: 0x85da179C3DEDbaCB0eAa5cBCC6910cF5225C876B

  • Monetary and exchange rate policy applied to financial markets, risk/return analysis of financial investments

  • Interdisciplinary research in the field of edification and cross-cultural management
  • since 2018 member and co-founder of “Bürgerbewegung FINANZWENDE” a NGO located in Berlin, from 2018 until 06/2021 member of the advisory board.

  • since 2011 expert member of "Finance Watch" a NGO located in Brussels; board member and chair of the board of directors from 2014-2020 (

  • from 2017 until 2020 member of the “Securities and Market Stakeholder Group” an advisory council of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in Paris.

  • from 2014 until 2016 member of the "European Crowdfunding Stakeholder Forum" an expert group advising the EU Commission in regard to Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer lending.

International Assignments
  • March 2012
    Guest lecture at the "International Business Days 2012" of Rotterdam University - Hogeschool Rotterdam: "Proposal for fundamental Reforms in Finance and Banking"
  • Sept. 2011
    Paper presentation at the 17th workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, Vienna/Austria; workshop title: European integration at the crossroads: Deepening or disintegration?
    Paper title: Get rid of banks and build up a modern financial world! Outline for a fundamental reorganization of the financial sector
  • March 2011
    Paper presentation at the MBAA International Conference 2011 in Chicago. Paper title: Internationalization of Universities
  • Jan. - July 2010
    Visiting Professor at "University of West Florida" in Pensacola, Florida, USA,
  • Nov. 2008
    Guest lecture Universidad Santiago de Chile, Economic Faculty: Financial crisis - causes, impact and results.
  • Sept. 2008
    Guest lecture Northern Michigan University, Marquette/USA, Business Faculty: "Culture as an individual process - Deficits of national cultural theories in management of cultural diversity"
  • July 2008
    Paper presentation at 6th International Conference on Finance (Athens Institute for Education and Research) in Athens, Greece: "The Logic of Merger and Acquisition Pricing"
  • March 2008
    Guest lecture University of Manitoba, Winnipeg/Canada, Business Faculty: "The Logic of Merger and Acquisition Pricing"
  • Nov. 2007
    Guest lecture University of Applied Sciences Jyväskylä/Finland, Business Faculty: "Do Germans have culture? A critical review of cross cultural management as a teaching subject in business education"
  • May 2007
    Key-note speaker at the "Third International Business Week" organized by University de Minho, Braga, Portugal; Title: "M&A Pricing - a New Approach"
  • June 2006
    Paper presentation at 13th Annual EDiNEB conference (Educational Innovations in Economics and Business) in Lisbon, Portugal. Paper title: "Educational Design for  lobalization: Proposal for a CSCL based master Concept." 
  • Aug. 2005 until Jan. 2006
    Visiting Professor at "Universidad Iberoamericana," Pubela, Mexico. Lecturer in Master- and Bachelor program; Multinational teaching project: "Virtual Class Room in  International Business" between Mexican, Portuguese and German universities.
  • July/August 2005
    Adjunct Professor at American University in Washington, US. Lecturer in Lecturer in Master program, classes in Int. Business and Int. Finance, second summer term
  • 2001 - 2004
    "Virtual Class Room in International Business" (four times) a teaching project in close cooperation with University of Minho, Braga, Portugal 
  • 2001 - 2004
    Semi annual guest lectures in International Finance at various European Partner Universities within the EU Erasmus Mobility program 

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