- Komarnicki, P.; Haubrock, J.; Styczynski, Z. A. (Editors): Elektromobilität und Sektorenkopplung -Infrastruktur- und Systemkomponenten 2. Auflage: Springer Vieweg 2020, ISBN 978-3-662-62035-9
- Styczynski, Z. A.; Haubrock, J. (Editors): Renewable and Dispersed Power Generation in Power Systems: Proceedings of the ReDiPS Workshop 2007: Sept. 22-25, 2007, Athen, Greece. Magdeburg 2008, MAFO ISSN 1612-2526 Bd. 19, ISBN 978-3-929757-44-6
- Styczynski, Z. A.; Haubrock, J. (Editors): Influence of Distributed and Renewable Generation on Power System Security: Proceedings of the CRIS Workshop 2006: Dec. 6-8, 2006, Magdeburg, Germany. MAFO ISSN 1612-2526 Bd. 13, ISBN 3-929757-99-0
- J. Haubrock, "Parametrierung elektrischer Äquivalentschaltbilder von PEM Brennstoffzellen," Ph.D. dissertation, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Germany, Dec. 2007
MAFO ISSN 1612-2526 Bd. 20, ISBN 978-3-940961-02-0
Journal articles
- J. Haubrock, "KI-Anwendungen in Energiesystemen," ew Magazin vol. 11|2022, pp. 55-58, Offenbach, Germany, Nov. 2022
- V. Kowatsch and J. Haubrock, "Aus- und Weiterbildung im Bereich der Schutztechnik in Verteilnetzen," ew Magazin Spezial Stadtwerke vol. 1 |2021, pp. 32-35, Offenbach, Germany, Oct. 2021
- L. Nienaber and J. Haubrock, "Reduzierung der Stromkosten durch ein Lademanagementsystem," ew Magazin vol. 10|2020, pp. 28-31, Offenbach, Germany, Sept. 2020
Conference Papers
- L. Quakernack, J. Hövelmann, K. Kröger and J. Haubrock, "AI-based heat demand forecasting in industrial buildings for flexible operation of combined heat and power plants,"2023 Intern. ETG-Congr.; ETG Symp., Magdeburg, Germany, May 25-26, 2023
- B. Steinhagen, T. Jungh, M. Hesse, U. Rückert, L. Quakernack, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Evaluation of the Usage of Edge Computing and LoRa for the Control of Electric Vehicle Charging in the Low Voltage Grid," in 2023 IEEE PES Conf. on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Middle East (ISGT Middle East), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Mar. 12-15, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISGTMiddleEast56437.2023.10078593.
- L. Quakernack, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Deep Reinforcement Learning For Autonomous Control Of Low Voltage Grids With Focus On Grid Stability In Future Power Grids," in 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conf. Europe (ISGT Europe), Novi Sad, Serbia, Oct. 10-12, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISGT-Europe54678.2022.9960416
- F. Liegmann, L. Schorge, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Virtual reality grid control station for learning the operational management of real electrical grids on emergency situation," in 2022 IEEE German Education Conf. (GeCon), Berlin, Germany, Aug. 11-12, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GeCon55699.2022.9942753
- M. Kelker, L. Quakernack, J. Haubrock and D. Westermann, "Multi agent double deep Q-network with multiple reward functions for electric vehicle charge control," in 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Denver, CO, USA, Jul. 14-22, 2022, pp. 01-05, doi: 10.1109/PESGM48719.2022.9917038
- F. Liegmann, M. Gurcke, K. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Entwicklung einer Virtual Reality Netzleitwarte," in 17. Symp. Energieinnovation (EnInnov2022), Graz, Austria, Feb. 16-18, 2022
- F. Annen, K. Kröger, M. Kelker, K. Schulte and J. Haubrock, "Aufbau eines HIL Teststandes zur Vaildierung von Algorithmen zur Steuerung von Smart Micro Grids," in 17. Symp. Energieinnovation (EnInnov2022), Graz, Feb. 16-18, 2022
- M. Gurcke, K. Timpe, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Adaption und Validierung einer Low Cost µPMU zur Netzüberwachung im Niederspannungsnetz," in 17. Symp. Energieinnovation (EnInnov2022), Graz, Austria, Feb. 16-18, 2022
- L. Quakernack, M. Kelker, U. Rückert and J. Haubrock, "Deep Reinforcement Learning als Methode zur autonomen Steuerung von Niederspannungsnetzen mit Fokus auf die Netzstabilität," in 17. Symp. Energieinnovation (EnInnov2022), Graz, Austria, Feb. 16-18, 2022
- F. Liegmann, A. Murtovi, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Analysis of user behaviour for modelling an electric vehicle loading profile generator," in 2021 IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS), Kassel, Germany, Nov. 25-26, 2021, pp. 1-5.
- M. Kelker, L. Quakernack and J. Haubrock, "Multi agent deep Q-reinforcement learning for autonomous low voltage grid control," in 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conf. Europe (ISGT Europe),Espoo, Finland, Oct. 18-21, 2021
- K. Schulte, O. Runde, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Prediction of the local cloud cover to optimize photovoltaic system power forecast," in 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conf. Europe (ISGT Europe),Espoo, Finland, Oct. 18-21, 2021
- M. Schwienheer, K. Schulte, K. Kröger and J. Haubrock, "Realization of a power distributing electric vehicle charging system," in 2021 Conf. on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems (NEIS), Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 13-14, 2021
- K. Schulte and J. Haubrock, "Linear programming to increase the directly used photovoltaic power for charging several electric vehicles," in PowerTech 2021, Madrid, Spain, Jun. 28-Jul. 02, 2021
- A. Berrada, F. Annen, M. Gurcke and J. Haubrock, "Integrating electric vehicle communication in smart grids," in PowerTech 2021, Madrid, Spain, Jun. 28-Jul. 02, 2021
- M. Kelker, K. Schulte and J. Haubrock, "State estimation in low-voltage grids by using artificial neural networks in consideration of optimal micro phasor measurement unit placement," in 2020 Conf. on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems (NEIS), Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 14-15, 2020
- K. Schulte, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Artificial neural networks to predict the node voltages in a low-voltage grid," in 2020 Conf. on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems (NEIS), Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 14-15, 2020
- M. Kelker, A. Berrada, K. Schulte and J. Haubrock, "Entwicklung und Validierung eines optimalen Platzierungsalgorithmus für µPMUS im Niederspannungsnetz" in 16. Symp. Energieinnovation (EnInnov2020), Graz, Austria, Feb. 12-14, 2020
- K. Kröger, F. Annen, M. Kelker, K. Schulte, P. Lohmann, D. Hansmeier and J. Haubrock, "Development of a microgrid hardware simulation system for distributed energy resources in combination with an aggregated battery electric vehicle fleet." in 2019 Conf. on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems (NEIS),Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 19-20, 2019
- M. Kelker, K. Schulte, K. Kröger and J. Haubrock, "Development and validation of a neural network for state estimation in the distribution grid based on µPMU data." in 2019 Modern Electric Power Systems Conf. (MEPS), Wrocław, Poland, Sept. 9-12, 2019
- K. Schulte, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Predicting the local generated photovoltaic power by creating a forecast model using artificial neural networks and verifying the model with real data," in 2019 IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS), Magdeburg, Germany, Jul. 9-11, 2019
- L. Nienaber and J. Haubrock, "The influence of the leasing model on the distribution of electric vehicles in the field of company fleets," in 2019 IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS), Magdeburg, Germany, Jul. 9-11, 2019
- M. Kelker, K. Schulte, D. Hansmeier, F. Annen, K. Kröger, P. Lohmann and J. Haubrock, "Development of a forecast model for the prediction of photovoltaic power using neural networks and validating the model based on real measurement data of a local photovoltaic system," in PowerTech 2019, Milano, Italy, Jun 23-27, 2019
- L. Quakernack, M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Simulation of a Smart-Micro-Grid to Analyse an Intelligent Charge Management in Matlab Simulink for a Local Bakery Chain", in 8th IEEE Germany Student Conf., Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 25-26, 2018
- M. Kelker and J. Haubrock, "Modeling and simulation of a phasor measurement unit to analyse the grid reliability of a 110 kV grid," in 2018 International Energy and Sustainability Conf. (IESC), Cologne, Germany, May 17-18, 2018, doi: 10.1109/IESC.2018.8439944