
Clare Strand: Jeggings, an Infrathin Marriage of Jeans and Leggings

International Week 2024

This 2-day workshop will encourage random and intuitive imagery that goes beyond conventional ideas of research and logical thinking. It is ideal for those who want to challenge their usual ways of visualising and who wish to expand their practice into new and challenging areas. This workshop invites active participation within a broad-minded, informal and safe space. We will welcome ‘mistakes’ and salute the absurd and the unknown. Participants are invited to bring an ongoing body of work for the group and individual discussion.

Clare Strand is a UK-based artist who works with, but mostly against the photographic medium. Over the past 25 yrs, she has made work with found imagery, kinetic machinery, web programmes, fairground attractions and most recently, large-scale paintings and chamber music. She often rejects the default settings of the photographic medium and instead and without apology, welcomes a subtle, slow-burn, approach. Her practice is situated somewhere between control and a willful acceptance of chance.

There will be some darkroom activity so please bring some photographic paper. No special type is needed - 10x8” size is fine. To reduce costs collective purchase is a good idea.

14. Mai und 15. Mai 2024, 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr