Durch ein Fenster aus dem Wasserlabor ist ein Ausschnitt des Gebäudes zu sehen.
Eine Person ist im Elektrotechnik-Labor zu sehen.
In einem großen Saal mit vielen Tischreihen sitzen Studierende, die essen und sich unterhalten.
Studierende sitzen an Tischen und lernen. Im Hintergrund sind Bücherregale zu sehen.

Faculty of Minden Campus

Studies at Minden Campus are characterised by a high degree of practical orientation, sandwich courses and a wide variety of subjects, ranging from Architecture to Civil Engineering and Project Management, and Computer Science.
Students appreciate the personal atmosphere on Minden Campus and the individual guidance and support provided by teaching and administration staff.

Around 1,600 students are enrolled in the bachelor and master courses dedicated to Architecture, Civil Engineering and Computer Science as well as the practice-integrated study programmes Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration and Engineering.

Thanks to intelligent computer-aided construction technology, the new premises, which opened in 2015, meet the demanding requirements of Energy Efficiency Class A. The building itself also serves as a research object for intelligent construction technologies.

Study Programmes

www.hsbi.de/minden (GERMAN)