International Week 2019: Gábor Arion Kudász
Gábor Arion Kudász hält einen Vortrag mit dem Thema: »Truth as Added-Value«.
Donnerstag 16.5.2019, 17:00 Uhr
Fachbereich Gestaltung, Audimax
Truth is what we search for and it's what we always wish to express, but the path gets rough, because truth seems to hide in the deepest swamps of lies. In this talk I will focus on methods in the creative process to approach truth - this rather subjective interpretation of reality - through the interplay of factual and fictional elements.
Gábor Arion Kudász (*1978, Budapest) is a Hungarian photographer and Associate Professor at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. Arion often incorporates staged and artificial elements into a documentary approach to photography. His early landscape works concentrate on human interaction with the built and the natural environment. He examines the absurd and careless use of space as a natural resource. His recent works focus on the relationship between responsibility and ambition. He is currently researching life-choices of youth, supported by a scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Arts. His achievements were recognized by the Robert Capa Grand Prize, and he is a committed self-publisher of photo books.
Internationale Woche
Die Internationale Woche bietet eine Woche lang einen regen Austausch an Ideen und Kenntnissen. Gestalterinnen und Gestalter aller Fachrichtungen aus Studios, Agenturen und Hochschulen der ganzen Welt geben mehrtägige Workshops in denen neueste Technologien erkundet, experimentelle Kurzaufgaben bearbeitet oder traditionelle Techniken erlernt werden können.
In Vorträgen präsentieren sie Ihre Werke und reflektieren mit dem Publikum einzelne Aspekte ihrer gestalterisch-künstlerischen oder theoretisch-forschenden Arbeit.
Programmübersicht Fachbereich Gestaltung: