United we stand: HR and line managers' shared views on HR strategic integration

Strategic integration, Congruence, Strategic consensus, Polynomial regression, Internal efficiency

Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Fachbereich Wirtschaft
Interaktion 1
33619 Bielefeld

Universität Paderborn
Universität Düsseldorf


bis Ende 2020


Based on strategic consensus literature and the strategic integration of HRM, this study hypothesizes that HR and line managers’ shared views on HR strategic integration (i.e., strategic congruence) lead to beneficial organizational outcomes. Drawing on a dyadic sample of 102 organizations, we examine the strategic congruence of line management (LM) and HRM, its joint impact on HRM value, and, in turn, the influence on internal efficiency. In this context, HRM value refers to the perceived importance of the HR function to the organization. Structural equation modeling, polynomial regressions, and response surface methodology show that there is, in fact, a non-linear relationship between strategic congruence and HRM value. Thus, only when the views of the line managers and HR managers are congruent (i.e., in agreement) does the HRM value increase, which, in turn, mediates the effect on internal efficiency. Thereby, we offer new insights into the mechanisms of strategic congruence, the mediating role of HRM value, and firm-level outcomes. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

Wach, B. A., Wehner, M. C., Weißenberger, B. E., & Kabst, R. (2020). United we stand: HR and line managers' shared views on HR strategic integration. European Management Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2020.09.012