Applying with Certificates Issued Abroad – Work-Integrated Study Programmes

The information below applies to applicants who have earned their (subject-specific) university entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB) and who are not treated as German nationals in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Ordinance on the Allocation of Study Places in North Rhine-Westphalia. 


At the time you apply, you must have your university entrance certificate, the VPD certificate from uni-assist and the valid cooperation agreement.

In general, applying for a work-integrated study programme is possible between 1 December and 15 July of each year. Please note that there is a different application period for the work-integrated B.Sc. in Midwifery. Please make sure to check the application deadlines, which you can find on the study programme pages.

Step-by-step instructions for your application – work-integrated studies

Step 1: Requesting the VPD certificate (Vorprüfungsdokumentation – preliminary review documentation) from uni-assist
Step 2: Applying to the company providing training
Step 3: Applying to HSBI
Step 4: Submitting the cooperation agreement by post:
Step 5: Review of documents and registration (enrolment)
Step 6: Credentials


Emily Singh Chatrath/Weronika Henryka Ludwig
Information zur Zulassung internationaler Studierender/ Information on the admission of international students