Imprint of the International Office

LinkedIn account of the International Office

Hochschule Bielefeld
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Interaktion 1
D-33619 Bielefeld
Bielefeld, Germany

Postfach 10 11 13
D-33511 Bielefeld

Tel: +49.521.106-01
Fax: +49.521.106-7790

Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts is a public corporation.
It is legally represented by the President Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk.

Responsible supervisory authority
Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW), 40190 Düsseldorf

Value added tax identification number
according to Section 27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE124007838

If you have any questions, please contact
Judith Peltz, Head of the International Office