Applying for a study place abroad, you may have lots of questions or feel anxious. On this page, you will find important questions and answers that many international applicants are concerned about. We will regularly update these FAQ to give you as much information as we can.

If you have any questions that are not listed here, please feel free to contact us by e-mail!

Applications and Enrolment
Can I have my application documents reviewed before I apply?
Can I hand in my German certificate later?
What does open admission/restricted admission mean?
Which application documents do I need?
Can I obtain conditional admission?
Can I apply for a higher semester of study?
Do I have to send my documents by post or do I apply online?
I will not be able to transfer my semester contribution and arrange for the digital health insurance confirmation by the registration deadline. What do I do?
Can you issue a Late Arrival Letter?
Preliminary Review Documentation (VPD) from uni-assist
Where do I request a VPD certificate?
How long does it take until I receive my VPD certificate?
Can I also use my VPD certificate to apply for other study programmes?
Do I request my VPD certificate during HSBI’s application period?
Can I hand in the VPD (preliminary review documentation) from uni-assist later?
For how long will my VPD certificate be valid?
Study Programmes
Which English-taught programmes does HSBI offer?
Health Insurance
I will not be able to be in Germany by the time my studies start. Do I still have to take out health insurance before that?
Can I provide proof of my health insurance with a document issued by my health insurance provider?
I have private health insurance. How do I arrange for the digital insurance confirmation?
I come from an EU or EEA country, from Switzerland, from the United Kingdom or from a country with a social insurance agreement with Germany. Do I have to take out insurance with a German statutory health insurance provider?
Can I switch from a private health insurance provider (e.g. Mawista, CareConcept) to statutory health insurance during my studies?
Financing Your Studies
Are there scholarships for the entire study duration?
Can I apply for BAföG as an international student?
Living Where You Study
How do I get a room in a student residence?
Emily Singh Chatrath/Weronika Henryka Ludwig
Information zur Zulassung internationaler Studierender/ Information on the admission of international students