Semester of Leave and Semester Ticket

If you spend a full semester abroad, you can apply for a semester of leave.

What are the advantages?
  • You do not have to pay the semester contribution at HSBI
  • The semester will not count towards BAföG in Germany
  • No prolongation of the standard time to degree
What do i have to take into account?

During a semester of leave ...

  • You will not receive BAföG in Germany, but you can apply for Auslands-BAföG, which usually means a higher monthly rate
  • You will not be able to take any examinations at HSBI (except for resit examinations), but achievements from the university abroad can be recognised
  • You cannot apply for a semester of leave if the stay abroad is compulsory, e.g.:
    • The year abroad in the ISM programme
    • The internship and/or internationalisation module at the Faculty of Design and Art
    • The replacement for the practical project at the Faculty of Engineering and Mathematics
How do I request a semester of leave?

Simply submit a request for a semester of leave in the CAT portal. Please consult the Registrar’s and Examination Office for further information on the semester of leave.

Only requesting exemption from the semester ticket

A semester of leave is not an option? Then you can at least request an exemption from paying for the semester ticket if you can prove that you will spend more than 4 months of the semester outside the territory covered by the semester ticket for your studies.

How do I request exemption from the semester ticket?

For an exemption from the semester ticket, AStA requires students to submit the following documents until the beginning of the semester (by 30 Sep for the winter semester or 31 Mar for the summer semester):