Insurance and Visa

To make sure that you are always covered, you should take out health, accident and liability insurance for abroad before your stay. Without insurance, illness or accidents abroad can quickly become very expensive.

Important note: During a stay abroad, you will not be covered by HSBI’s insurance.

How ca I insure myself abroad?

You can either request an extension of your insurance from your current insurance provider or take out private supplementary insurance, e.g. via the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

If you do a paid internship within the EU (a scholarship does not count as payment), you are even obliged to take out health insurance in your host country. In any case, please discuss the further procedure with your internship provider and your health insurance in Germany.  

What about my insurance in Germany?

Please make sure to check with your current insurance provider whether you need to continue paying your insurance in Germany during your stay abroad.

Important: Insurance obligation for Erasmus+

With some exceptions, most scholarship programmes do not include insurance coverage. However: By participating in the Erasmus+ programme, you promise to take care of sufficient insurance coverage on your own.

The Erasmus+ programme’s insurance obligation encompasses the following insurance policies:

  • Health insurance (obligatory for studies and internships)
  • Liability insurance (obligatory for internships, optional for studies)
Accident insurance (obligatory for internships, optional for studies)


Please inform yourself in good time whether you need a visa for your host country. If so, please also check to see if your passport is still valid.

How do I get a visa?

For a semester abroad, you will usually receive an invitation from your host university with which you can apply for a student visa.

You can obtain binding information on how to apply from the embassies/consulates of the respective country or from the Federal Foreign Office. We recommend you take care of this early, because the application process can take several weeks or months.

How do I get a passport?

You can apply for a passport at the citizens’ registration office in your place of residence; processing usually takes 3–4 weeks.

If you already have a passport: please check how much longer it will be valid anyway. In some cases, the passport must be valid for several months after the end of the planned stay for the visa application.