Erasmus+ Funding

How much the Erasmus+ Mobility Grant amounts to depends on the duration of your stay abroad and the country that you travel to. The monthly funding rates may vary from year to year.

The grant will be paid out in two instalments: You will receive the first instalment (80% of the total amount) approximately 3–4 weeks before your departure.

You will receive the second rate (20% of the total amount) after your stay abroad, as soon as you have submitted the completion documents for the semester abroad or the completion documents for the internship abroad.

Erasmus+ Europe

Semester abroad

Current funding rates from the winter semester 2024/2025 onwards:

Countries Funding rate
Additional funding
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden €600/month €250/month
Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Türkiye, Hungary, Cyprus €540/month €250/month
Internship abroad

Current funding rates in Europe from the winter semester 2024/2025 onwards:

Countries Funding rate Zusätzliche Förderung
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden €750/month €250/month
Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Türkiye, Hungary, Cyprus €690/month €250/month

Erasmus+ worldwie

Semester abroad

Current Erasmus+ funding rates worldwide from the winter semester 2024/2025 onwards (if enough scholarship funds are available):

Faculty Universities
Bielefeld School of Business

Aleksander Moisiu University Durres

University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy (FEUT)
Engineering and Mathematics Polytechnic University of Tirana
Funding rate
Travel costs
Additional funding


One-off: €275
Green travel, one-off: €320

Israel - Applying currently not possible
Faculty Universities
Design and Art Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
Funding rate
Travel costs
Aditional funding


One-off: €530


Faculty Hochschulen
Bilefeld School of Business

University of Regina, Regina

University of Manitoba, Asper Business School, Winnipeg
Fundingrate travel costs
Additional funding


One-off: €820

Faculty Universities
Engineering and Mathematics Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
Funding rate
Travel costs Additional funding


One-off: €1,500

South Korea
Faculty Universities
Bielefeld School of Business

Hallym University, Chuncheon

Design and Art Chung-Ang University, Seoul
Funding rate
Travel costs
Additional funding


One-off: €1,500

Faculty Universities
Engineering and Mathematics University of Sfax – ENIS
Funding rate
Travel costs
Additional funding


One-off: €275
Green travel, one-off: €320

Faculty Universities
Bielefeld School of Business Boise State University
Funding rate
Travel costs
Additional funding


One-off: €1,500

United Kingdom
Faculty Universities
Bielefeld School of Business Teesside University
Design and Art University of the Arts London, London College of Communication
Social Sciences University of Bradford
Funding rate
Travel costs
Additional fnding


One-off: €275
Green travel, one-off: €320

Internship abroad

Current Erasmus+ funding rates worldwide from the winter semester 2024/2025 onwards (if enough scholarship funds are available, maximum funding period 10 months):

Funding rate
Travel costs
Additional funding


Country-dependent €250/month

Blended Mobility

Blended short-term mobility

Students, graduates and doctoral candidates whose student mobility is funded. Virtual components are not supported financially. However, this means that they do not count towards the Erasmus+ grant allocation.

Durationof stay
Funding rate
Additional funding
Day 1–14 In the 2022 call for applications:

In the 2023 and 2024 calls for applications:
Students with disabilities, chronic illness or students with children receive a one-off payment amounting to €100
Day 15–30 In the 2022 call for applications:

In the 2023 and 2024 calls for applications:
Students with disabilities, chronic illness or students with children receive a one-off payment amounting to €150
    Green travel:
€50 (2022 and 2023 calls for applications) + up to 4 additional days once

Staff mobility (for teaching and training)

Projects 2022 and 2023
Country Funding amount/day up to 14th day of activity Funding amount/day 15th–60th day of activity
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden €180/day €126
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain €160/day €112
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Türkiye €140/day €98


Travel costs

The travel allowance is determined in a uniform way throughout Europe using a calculation tool.

Travel distance
Standard trip
Green travel
10–99 km €23 -
100–499 km €180 €210
500–1,999 km €275 €320
2,000–2,999 km €360 €410
3,000–3,999 km €530 €610
4,000–7,999 km €820 -
8,000 km or more €1,500 -
Project 2024
Country Funding amount/day up to 14th day of activity Funding amount/day 15th–60th day of activity
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden €180/day €126
Estland, Griechenland, Lettland, Malta, Portugal, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechien, Zypern €160/day €112
Bulgarien, Kroatien, Litauen, Nordmazedonien, Polen, Rumänien, Serbien, Türkei, Ungarn €140/day €98


Travel costs


The travel allowance is determined in a uniform way throughout Europe using a calculation tool.

Travel ditance
Standard trip
Green travel
10–99 km €28 €56
100–499 km €211 €285
500–1,999 km €309 €417
2,000–2,999 km €395 €535
3,000–3,999 km €580 €785
4,000–7,999 km €1,188 €1,188
8000 km or more €1,735 EUR €1,735

Additional funding

General information

Erasmus+ strives to foster equal opportunities and inclusion. In order to give even more people the opportunity to stay abroad, the groups listed below may receive additional financial support.

  • For study-related stays and internships: €250 per month on top of the regular Erasmus+ funding rates
  • For blended mobility: 5–14 days €100 as a one-off payment/15–30 days €150 as a one-off payment on top of the regular Erasmus+ funding rates

Please note: The additional support cannot be combined, i.e. if you have a non-academic background and are working alongside your studies, you will not receive the additional support twice.

Information on Auslands-BAföG: For students with disabilities, chronic illness and students with children, the additional funding does not count towards Auslands-BAföG.

For students from a non-academic background and working students, the additional funding counts towards Auslands-BAföG. However, in contrast to BAföG, the Erasmus+ funding does not have to be reimbursed.

Students with disabilities or chronic illness

Students with a degree of disability of at least 20 percent and students with a chronic illness who have additional financial needs are eligible for additional financial support.

Please note: On the Studieren Weltweit website, you will find advice and reports from students with disabilities or chronic illness who stayed abroad.

How to apply
Please submit the sworn declaration (see download box). On request, you must be able to submit appropriate proof (e.g. disability card; for chronic illnesses, a medical certificate that confirms an additional financial need is sufficient (no concrete sum must be specified)).

If the costs incurred during your stay abroad are extraordinarily high (e.g. for accessible accommodation, for the flight or for an accompanying person), you can also submit a so-called real cost application (long application). In this application, you must specify the costs incurred in detail and can then be reimbursed up to €15,000 per semester. Please make sure to submit your application via the International Office no later than two months before the start of your stay abroad.

Preparatory trips to programme countries may also be supported financially. Such trips serve to explore the conditions on site (accessible accommodation, conditions on campus, local public transport, etc.). In addition, one accompanying person as assistant in travels can receive financial support in the form of a lump-sum payment.

Web portal: Inclusive international mobility

As part of the EPFIME project, actors from Flanders, Ireland and the Erasmus Student Network have developed services to improve the mobility of students with disabilities across Europe. This includes the online portal The platform makes it possible for students to search a database of universities’ offers for international students with disabilities.

Students with children

Students who take their child or children abroad with them are eligible for additional funding. The concrete amount of funding does not depend on the number of children travelling.

If both parents study abroad simultaneously with Erasmus+, additional funding cannot be applied for twice for the same child. If both parents study abroad simultaneously with Erasmus+ and take at least two children with them, both parents can receive additional funding for one child each.

Please note: On the Studieren Weltweit website, you will find advice and reports from students with children who stayed abroad.

How to apply

Please submit the sworn declaration (see download box). On request, you must be able to submit appropriate proof (e.g. birth certificate, travel documents of the child).

If the costs incurred during your stay abroad are extraordinarily high, you can also submit a so-called real cost application. In this application, you must specify the costs incurred in detail and can then be reimbursed up to €15,000 per semester. Please make sure to submit your application via the International Office no later than two months before the start of your stay abroad.

Preparatory trips to programme countries may also be supported financially. Such trips serve to explore the conditions on site.

Students from a non-academic background

Students whose both parents or reference persons do not have a degree from a university or a university of applied sciences can receive additional funding.

The completion of a vocational academy that leads to a degree comparable to that of a university is considered an academic degree. The same applies to studies completed abroad by a parent that are not recognised as an academic degree in Germany (e.g. physiotherapy). In these cases, no additional funding can be requested. A master craftsman certificate (Meisterbrief) is not considered an academic degree; additional funding can be requested.

Please note: On the Studieren Weltweit website, you will find advice and reports from first-generation students who stayed abroad.

How to apply
Please submit the sworn declaration (see download box). On request, you must be able to submit appropriate proof (e.g. information on the parents’ educational qualifications, sworn declaration by the parents).

Working students

Working students are eligible for additional funding if:

  • Their monthly income is between €450 and €850 (net earnings of all activities per month); a mean value applies here if it lies between €450 and €850 over 6 consecutive months,
  • The employment was pursued for at least 6 consecutive months before the start of the stay abroad,
  • The employment is not continued during the stay abroad (termination is not a prerequisite, the employment contract can also be paused).
Self-employed activities and dual/part-time studies with a fixed salary are usually excluded.

How to apply

Please submit the sworn declaration (see download box). On request, you must be able to submit appropriate proof (e.g. employment contract, income statements, tax returns).

Green travel

Green travel

Green travel means that low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or carpooling are used for at least half of the journey. If this makes your journey longer, you can be granted up to 6 additional travel days, which are funded with the grant rate of the destination country.

Here are our recommendations:

  • Up to 8 hours/day of travel to or from your destination = 1 additional travel day
  • More than 8 hours/day of travel to or from your destination = 2 additional travel day
  • More than 16 hours/day of travel to or from your destination = 3 additional travel days

In addition, you can apply for HSBI’s Green Mobility Grant and receive another €50–150 depending on the distance of your destination.

If you would like to apply for Green Travel/Green Mobility Grant, please specify this in the application form for a semester abroad or for an internship abroad in the online application portal and attach the corresponding sworn declaration to your application (see download box).

Finding bus and train connections

The website erasmusbytrain helps you book easy and cheap bus and train connections within Europe.


Outgoing Student Advisor
Felix Kraemer

Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator
Vanessa Schaut, M.A.

Erasmus+ Administration
Veronika Schwarz