Language Courses in the Winter Semester 2024/25

Please note
  • Registration for all courses will be activated on 9 September 2024 via ILIAS. We will remind you of the start of the registration period in a separate e-mail.
  • Unfortunately, the last semesters showed us that there are participants who register for, but never attend the actual language courses and thus block places. From the winter semester 2023/24 onwards, we will thus have to exclude participants who are absent without advance notification and give their places to candidates from the waiting list. If you find that you cannot attend the courses after all, please make sure to cancel your registration by contacting us out of consideration for your fellow students!

We will offer the following courses in the upcoming winter semester:

English – B1.1, B2.1 and English for Professional Purposes

English B1.1 (4 weekly hours) in blended format: 2 weekly hours classroom teaching, 2 weekly hours online: This course is intended for those among you who, now that they study at university, feel that their English is not sufficient to read English texts, to hold presentations in English or to speak English in general. This may be the case if your English lessons at school were not sufficient, or if they were too long ago, or you simply did not find any access to the language. The course starts at a slightly advanced level and gives you the opportunity to catch up quickly.

English B2.1 (4 weekly hours) in blended format: 2 weekly hours classroom teaching, 2 weekly hours online: This is a follow-up course for the English B1.2 course in the summer semester 2024. It is intended for all those of you who already have a fairly good English, but who have reached their limit when it comes to technical texts. The course starts at an advanced level and gives you the opportunity to brush up on your English for your studies.

English for Professional Purposes (2 weekly hours) in blended format: This course is for all those who still remember their English school lessons quite well, do not have any major problems in understanding English texts, but secretly hope that no one will ever ask them to make appointments over the phone in English, to write English e-mails or to hold presentations in English at work. The course provides an opportunity to prepare for the above situations and to acquire the necessary skills.

Spanish – A1, B1.1
Spanish A1 (4 weekly hours) in blended format: 2 weekly hours classroom teaching, 2 weekly hours online: A course for beginners without prior knowledge.

Spanish B1.1 (4 weekly hours) in blended format: 2 weekly hours classroom teaching, 2 weekly hours online: This is a follow-up course for the Spanish A2 course in the summer semester 2024. It is aimed at all those who already have a basic knowledge of Spanish or have taken Spanish at school for 2–3 years.

Japanese – A1.1, A1.2, A1 consolidation
Japanese A1.1: (3 weekly hours) in blended format with additional compact classes. A course for beginners without prior knowledge

Japanese A1.2: (3 weekly hours) in blended format with additional compact classes. This is a follow-up course for the Japanese A1.1 course in the summer semester 2024. It is aimed at all those who already have some knowledge of Japanese.

Japanese A1 consolidation: (2 weekly hours) in the proven blended format. A course for all those who have taken the Japanese A1.2 and/or A1.3 course with us in the last semesters or have acquired prior knowledge in other ways. This course enhances and consolidates the beginners’ level.
German as a Foreign Language for International Students

German as a Foreign Language for international students (2 weekly hours) classroom teaching. A (coaching) course for international students studying at HSBI who feel that they would like some support with their German for their lectures and exercises. You can contribute your personal experience and bring documents or presentations that you are currently working on.


Language  Weekly Hours
Format Dates & Times
Spanish – Level A1 4 Blended
  • Tuesdays 5 p.m.–6.30 p.m. (17.00–18.30) (online)
  • Thursdays 5 p.m.–6.30 p.m. (17.00–18.30) (classroom teaching)
Spanish – Level B1.1 4 Blended
  • Tuesdays 6.45 p.m.–8.15 p.m. (18.45–20.15) (online)
  • Thursdays 6.45 p.m.–8.15 p.m. (18.45–20.15) (classroom teaching)
English – Level B1.1 4 Blended
  • Tuesdays 5 p.m.–6.30 p.m. (17.00–18.30) (online)
  • Thursdays 4 p.m.–5.30 p.m. (16.00–17.30) (classroom teaching)
English – Level B2.1 4 Blended
  • Mondays 6 p.m.–7.30 p.m. (18.00–19.30) (online)
  • Wednesdays 6 p.m.–7.30 p.m. (18:00-19:30) (classroom teaching)
English for Professional Purposes 2 Blended
  • Wednesdays 5 p.m.–6.30 p.m. (17.00–18.30)
  • Dates of classroom teaching by agreement
Japanese A1.1 3 Blended
  • Thursdays 4.30 p.m.–6 p.m. (16.30–18.00) (online)
  • Saturdays on 9 Nov & 14 Dec 2024, both 9 a.m.–2.30 p.m. (9.00–14.30) (classroom teaching)
Japanese A1.2 3 Blended
  • Thursdays 6.15 p.m.–7.45 p.m. (18.15–19.45) (online)
  • Saturdays on 30 Nov 2024 & 18 Jan 2025, both 9 a.m.–2.30 p.m. (9.00–14.30) (classroom teaching)
Japanese A1 consolidation 2 Online
  • Wednesdays, 7–8.30 p.m. (19.00–20.30) (online)
German as a Foreign Language for international students 2 Classroom
  • Tuesdays 5 p.m.–6.30 p.m. (17.00–18.30) (classroom teaching)