To create the CampusCard, we require a photograph that clearly shows the identity of the employee at the time of application. We will verify your identity using your photo ID or passport.
Motive The photo should comply with the requirements of an official photo ID as far as possible. This means that it should be a colour photo of your face on which it is clearly recognisable.
Format, size and aspect ratio File format: .jpg, .jpeg, .png (e.g., susanne.jpg) Max. file size: 3 MB Dimension: max. 350 x 466 pixels (w/h) Aspect ratio: 3:4 (w/h)
If your photo does not meet the requirements regarding dimensions or aspect ratio, you can still upload it and we offer you to edit the image for your accordingly in a next step.
Sharpness, contrast and brightness
too bright
too dark
lack of contrast
Other specifications
You should avoid photos with a red-eye effect
Only you as the applicant may be in the photo
Your facial expression should be as neutral as possible (no grimacing)
You should be pictured looking into the camera
Your head must be completely visible in the photo
You may not wear any headgear in the photo (exceptions, e.g. for religious reasons, are permitted)