Study-Related German Courses

German coaching for international students

Academic studies in themselves are a great challenge. All the more so if they are taught in a foreign language. Some of you have learned German as a second or third language and notice that they need some support with the language as their studies progress.

The International Office is thus offering a German course for international students this semester.

Depending on your needs, you can perfect your overall language skills or work on specific problem areas in this course together with a trained German teacher. You are also welcome to bring your assignments, presentations or term papers that you are currently working on as part of your studies.

Please note that you have to register for this course! We will notify you of the registration period by e-mail.

German courses for international visiting scholars

In cooperation with the Welcome Center, the Language Center provides a German course for international scholars and doctoral candidates. You will meet with a German teacher and other international scholars currently staying at HSBI in a small group. Together, you will converse and hold discussions in German and receive information on how to improve your German in self-study tailored to your needs.

If you are interested, please contact our Welcome Center.