Applying for a study place abroad, you may have lots of questions or feel anxious. On this page, you will find important questions and answers that many international applicants are concerned about. We will regularly update these FAQ to give you as much information as we can.

If you have any questions that are not listed here, please feel free to contact us by e-mail!

Can I have my application documents reviewed before I apply?

Due to the high number of inquiries we are not able to review your application documents (school-leaving certificate) in advance. Neither are we able to examine whether your certificates issued abroad (bachelor’s degree certificate) fulfil the requirements of the master’s degree studies you would like to take up.

Can I hand in my German certificate later?

You can only hand in your German certificate later if you apply for an open-admission study programme. If you can prove that your German skills are at B2 level and that you will take a recognised language exam in the near future (in addition to fulfilling all other admission requirements), we can offer you admission under the condition that you hand in the language certificate later. Please upload your registration for the language exam in this case. However, you must hand in your certificate at the latest by: 30 November (if your studies start in the winter semester) / 31 May (if your studies start in the summer semester). If you have not handed in the language certificate by this deadline, you will be deregistered.

What does open admission/restricted admission mean?
  • There is an unlimited number of places in open-admission study programmes. If you fulfil the admission requirements, you can usually be sure that you will get a study place.
  • In study programmes with restricted admission, there is a limited number of places. As these programmes receive more applications than there are places, we have to conduct a selection procedure. The allocation of study places in the selection procedure is regulated by statutory quotas and is based on the overall grade of the university entrance qualification.
Which application documents do I need?
  • You will need the original versions and certified translations into German or English of all important certificates belonging to your university entrance qualification and/or your first university degree.
  • Language certificate – German and/or English
  • If necessary, programme-specific certificates, e.g. proof of internship, letter of motivation or proof of successful entrance examination.
Can I obtain conditional admission?

HSBI does not offer conditional admission. You can either apply for preparatory German courses at HSBI (starting at B2 level) or at the bibis language school.

Can I apply for a higher semester of study?

It is not possible to apply for a higher semester of study. You can, however, apply for the first semester and after enrolment request your prior achievements to be credited.

Do I have to send my documents by post or do I apply online?

The application process is fully online; you do not have to submit any documents by post. In some individual cases, we may have to ask you to present original documents or their certified copies in physical form.

Please find more information on applications and step-by-step instructions on our page Applying with Certificates Issued Abroad.

Study Programmes
Which English-taught programmes does HSBI offer?

HSBI offers three English-taught programmes:

Health Insurance
Can I switch from a private health insurance provider (e.g. Mawista, CareConcept) to statutory health insurance during my studies?

No. If you have been issued an exemption as part of your enrolment, you will not be able to switch to statutory health insurance.

Private insurance providers often offer seemingly attractive rates for international students. However, they often do not cover all services. This means that you may face higher costs than expected if you fall sick or suffer an accident. We recommend you take out statutory health insurance for the best possible coverage during your studies. Statutory health insurance providers include: AOK, BARMER, DAK, Techniker Krankenkasse, IKK. Their rates are at approx. €125.– per month. This amount is almost the same for all providers. You can easily take out health insurance online with any of the providers.

Emily Singh Chatrath / Weronika Henryka Ludwig
Information zur Zulassung internationaler Studierender/ Information on the admission of international students