Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find accommodation in most cities in Germany due to a housing shortage. Therefore, you should start looking for accommodation as early as possible.

In our Housing Guide, you will find all the information you need when looking for accommodation, e.g. a list of search portals and important terms you will encounter in accommodation ads.

Student residences offer furnished rooms and bedsits, mostly in close proximity to the universities. However, places in the residences are often scarce, so you should apply as soon as possible and may have to wait for several semesters.

Studierendenwerk Bielefeld’s current offers can be found here

In a shared flat (Wohngemeinschaft – WG for short), several students share the common rooms. Since the rent and utilities are shared, the costs are lower than if you rent your own flat. Shared flats are a good way to make contact with German students.