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275 Publikationen

2022 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2497 HSBI-PUB

2022 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2496
What the hack(athon)? An exploratory study about the dynamics of hackathons
M. Funck, B. Krebs, S. Tomin, B. Wach, in: 2022.

2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2493
Wage determination in the shadow of the law: The case of works councilors in Germany
M. Pannenberg, L. Goerke, Economic and Industrial Democracy (2022).
HSBI-PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI

2022 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2483
Systematic Literature Review Search Query Refinement Pipeline: Incremental Enrichment and Adaptation
M. Badami, B. Benatallah, M. Baez Gonzalez, in: X. Franch, G. Poels, F. Gailly, M. Snoeck (Eds.), Advanced Information Systems Engineering. 34th International Conference, CAiSE 2022, Leuven, Belgium, June 6–10, 2022, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, pp. 129–146.

2022 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2482
Exploring challenges for Conversational Web Browsing with Blind and Visually Impaired Users
M. Baez Gonzalez, C.M. Cutrupi, M. Matera, I. Possaghi, E. Pucci, G. Spadone, C. Cappiello, A. Pasquale, in: S. Barbosa, C. Lampe, C. Appert, D.A. Shamma (Eds.), CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, pp. 1–7.

2022 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2481
Supporting Natural Language Interaction with the Web
M. Baez Gonzalez, C. Cappiello, C.M. Cutrupi, M. Matera, I. Possaghi, E. Pucci, G. Spadone, A. Pasquale, in: T. Di Noia, I.-Y. Ko, M. Schedl, C. Ardito (Eds.), Web Engineering. 22nd International Conference, ICWE 2022, Bari, Italy, July 5–8, 2022, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, pp. 383–390.

2022 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2480
Context Knowledge-Aware Recognition of Composite Intents in Task-Oriented Human-Bot Conversations
S. Bouguelia, H. Brabra, B. Benatallah, M. Baez Gonzalez, S. Zamanirad, H. Kheddouci, in: X. Franch, G. Poels, F. Gailly, M. Snoeck (Eds.), Advanced Information Systems Engineering. 34th International Conference, CAiSE 2022, Leuven, Belgium, June 6–10, 2022, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, pp. 237–252.

2022 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2479
Crowdsourcing Syntactically Diverse Paraphrases with Diversity-Aware Prompts and Workflows
J. Ramírez, M. Baez Gonzalez, A. Berro, B. Benatallah, F. Casati, in: X. Franch, G. Poels, F. Gailly, M. Snoeck (Eds.), Advanced Information Systems Engineering. 34th International Conference, CAiSE 2022, Leuven, Belgium, June 6–10, 2022, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, pp. 253–269.

2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2446
It’s About Heterogeneity! Strategies to Advance the Evaluation of Ethics Consultation
J. Haltaufderheide, S. Nadolny, J. Vollmann, J. Schildmann, The American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2022) 56–58.

2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2445
Gründe und Einflussfaktoren für die Bereitschaft zur Dokumentation von Präferenzen bezüglich Organspende. Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage
J. Schildmann, S. Nadolny, A. Führer, T. Frese, W. Mau, G. Meyer, M. Richter, A. Steckelberg, R. Mikolajczyk, PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie 72 (2022) 354–361.

2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2418 | OA
Framework for evaluation research on clinical ethical case interventions: the role of ethics consultants
J. Haltaufderheide, S. Nadolny, J. Vollmann, J. Schildmann, Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2022) 401–406.
HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

2022 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2401
Process-Oriented Intents: A Cornerstone for Superimposition of Natural Language Conversations over Composite Services
S. Bouguelia, A. Berro, B. Benatallah, M. Baez Gonzalez, H. Brabra, S. Zamanirad, H. Kheddouci, in: J. Troya, B. Medjahed, M. Piattini, L. Yao, P. Fernández, A. Ruiz-Cortés (Eds.), Service-Oriented Computing. 20th International Conference, ICSOC 2022, Seville, Spain, November 29 – December 2, 2022, Proceedings, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2022, pp. 575–583.

2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2321
Interprofessionelle Kommunikation in der Primärversorgung - Fördernde und hemmende Aspekte. Ein narratives Review
T. Neugebauer, P. Brzoska, K.J. Wrona, Y. Yilmaz-Aslan, K. Hämel, Pflegewissenschaft 24 (2022) 241–249.

2022 | Diskussionspapier | FH-PUB-ID: 2319 | OA
Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung als Maßnahme bei den Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Hitzeentwicklung und ihren Konsequenzen für Mensch und Natur
L. Aschentrup, H. Brüggemann, M. Eisen, K.T. Heckes, T. McCall, M. Siegler, K.J. Wrona, Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung als Maßnahme bei den Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Hitzeentwicklung und ihren Konsequenzen für Mensch und Natur, 1st ed., Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea, Berlin, 2022.
HSBI-PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI | Download (ext.)

2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2295 | OA
Robust-stable scheduling in dynamic flow shops based on deep reinforcement learning
F. Grumbach, A. Müller, P. Reusch, S. Trojahn, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2022).
HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

2022 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2291 | OA
Analysis of the Behavior of Online Decision Trees Under Concept Drift at the Example of FIMT-DD
M. Hanitz, M. Schöne, T. Voigt, M. Kohlhase, in: P. Perner (Ed.), Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, MLDM 2022, ibai-publishing, Leipzig, 2022, pp. 121–135.
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2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2284
Analysis of the energy distribution of iron nano-spheres for bit-patterned media
P. Steblinski, T. Blachowicz, A. Ehrmann, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 562 (2022).

2022 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2277 | OA
Spatial Temporal Transformer Networks for Sparse Motion Capture Applications
L. Vollenkemper, M. Kohlhase, in: H. Schulte, F. Hoffman, R. Mikut, Karlsruhier Institut für Technologie (KIT) (Eds.), PROCEEDINGS 32. WORKSHOP COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, 2022.
HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

2022 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 2253 | OA
Spatio-Temporal Outdoor Lighting Aggregation on Image Sequences Using Transformer Networks
H. Lee, C. Homeyer, R. Herzog, J. Rexilius, C. Rother, International Journal of Computer Vision 131 (2022) 1060–1072.
HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

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