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236 Publikationen

2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 5611
Kellner, F., & Schröder, N. (2018). Data Mining mit unsicheren Daten. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55(3), 601–613.

2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 5526 | OA
Wattenberg, M. (2018). Aller Anfang ist leicht – Der Erstkontakt mit VR und AR an der Hochschule. fnma Magazin , 3, 17–19.
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2018 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 5524 | OA
Wattenberg, M. (2018). Aktuelle und kostenfreie Tools im digitalen Projektmanagement. In M. Miglbauer, L. Kieberl, & S. Schmid (Eds.), Hochschule digital.innovativ #digiPH - Tagungsband zur 1. Online-Tagung (pp. 409–420). Graz (Online) .
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2018 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 331
Blachowicz, T., & Ehrmann, A. (2018). Investigating surface properties of fibers and yarns by image processing and statistical analysis techniques. In W. K. Wong (Ed.), Applications of Computer Vision in Fashion and Textiles (pp. 105–121). Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier).

2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 4975
Steinmann, B., Klug, H. J. P., & Maier, G. W. (2018). The Path Is the Goal: How Transformational Leaders Enhance Followers’ Job Attitudes and Proactive Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.

2018 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 4974
Maier, G. W., Heckhausen, J., & Steinmann, B. (2018). Management persönlicher beruflicher Ziele. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Eds.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement (pp. 1–25). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

2018 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 4973
Maier, G. W., Hülsheger, U. R., Anderson, N., & Steinmann, B. (2018). Innovation und Kreativität in Projekten. In M. Wastian, I. Braumandl, L. von Rosenstiel, & M. A. West (Eds.), Angewandte Psychologie für das Projektmanagement (pp. 249–266). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

2018 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 4972
Steinmann, B., & Maier, G. W. (2018). Berufswahl. In A. Lohaus (Ed.), Entwicklungspsychologie des Jugendalters (pp. 223–250). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

2018 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | FH-PUB-ID: 5543
Schenk, J., & Wattenberg, M. (2018). Gender 4.0: Einstellungen gegenber digitalen Technologien. Presented at the Konferenz Digitalisierung und Diversity: Arbeitswelt 4.0 gemeinsam gestalten, Bielefeld.

2018 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 316 | OA
Spahiu, T., Al-Arabiyat, M., Martens, Y., Ehrmann, A., Piperi, E., & Shehi, E. (2018). Adhesion of 3D printing polymers on textile fabrics for garment production. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 459).   Bristol: IOP Publishing .
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2018 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | FH-PUB-ID: 5528 | OA
Wattenberg, M., & Stumpf, A. (2018). Users Perception of Virtual- and Augmented Reality Applications in Future Workplaces. In B. Struminskaya, F. Keusch, O. Hellwig, C. M. Stützer, M. Thielsch, & A. Wachenfeld-Schell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th General Online Research Conference (pp. 56–57). Köln.
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2018 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | FH-PUB-ID: 5530 | OA
Gemander, M., & Wattenberg, M. (2018). The Design Based Comparison Between Websites Regarding Culture and Industry. In B. Struminskaya, F. Keusch, O. Hellwig, C. M. Stützer, M. Thielsch, & A. Wachenfeld-Schell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th General Online Research Conference (pp. 72–73). Köln.
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2018 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | FH-PUB-ID: 5529 | OA
Gemander, M., & Wattenberg, M. (2018). The Trump Media Index An Index Based Way of Visualizing the Impact of Trump Related News. In B. str, F. Keusch, O. Hellwig, C. M. Stützer, M. Thielsch, & A. Wachenfeld-Schell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th General Online Research Conference (p. 47). Köln.
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2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 541 | OA
Homburg, S. V., & Patel, A. V. (2018). The project COMBINE - Co-cultivation of microalgae and bacteria. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : CIT, 90(9), 1183.
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2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 534 | OA
Homburg, S. V., Venkanna, D., Kraushaar, K., Kruse, O., Kroke, E., & Patel, A. V. (2018). Entrapment and growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in biocompatible silica hydrogels. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 173, 233–241.
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2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 543 | OA
Storck, J. L., Homburg, S. V., Feldhans, T., Bednarz, H., Niehaus, K., & Patel, A. V. (2018). Microencapsulation as a tool to produce multicellular tumor spheroids. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : CIT, 90(9), 1214–1214.
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2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 542 | OA
Homburg, S. V., Kruse, O., & Patel, A. V. (2018). Development of novel silica hydrogels for entrapment and growth of sensitive microalgae. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : CIT, 90(9), 1210.
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2018 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 1270
Pörtner, A., Schröder, L., Rasch, R., Sprute, D., Hoffmann, M., & König, M. (2018). The Power of Color: A Study on the Effective Use of Colored Light in Human-Robot Interaction. In 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 3395–3402). Madrid: IEEE.

2018 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 1071
Blachowicz, T., & Ehrmann, A. (2018). Magnetization reversal in bent nanofibers of different cross sections. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(15).

2018 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 5527 | OA
Franken, S., Schenk, J., & Wattenberg, M. (2018). Gender-specific attitudes and competences of young professionals in the context of digitalization. In N. Marsden, V. Wulf, J. Rode, & A. Weibert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Gender & IT - GenderIT ’18 (pp. 139–141). New York, USA: ACM Press.
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