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68 Publikationen

2011 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 5830
A Generic Knowledge Integration Approach for Complex Process Control
S. Berlik, in: M. Fathi, A. Holland, F. Ansari, C. Weber (Eds.), Integrated Systems, Design and Technology 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 293–300.

2011 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 5831
Towards Usable Client-Centric Privacy Advisory for Mobile Collaborative Applications Based on BDDs
M. Bourimi, J. Ossowski, D.E.-D.I. Abou-Tair, S. Berlik, D. Abu-Saymeh, in: IEEE (Ed.), 2011 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, IEEE, 2011, pp. 1–6.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 471
Developmental and sex differences in somatosensory perception-a \textitsystematic comparison of 7- versus 14-year-olds using quantitative sensory testing
M. Blankenburg, D. Meyer, G. Hirschfeld, N. Kraemer, T. Hechler, F. Aksu, E.K. Krumova, W. Magerl, C. Maier, B. Zernikow, Pain 152 (2011) 2625–2531.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 453
Effects of language comprehension on visual processing - MEG dissociates early perceptual and late N400 effects
G. Hirschfeld, P. Zwitserlood, C. Dobel, Brain and Language 116 (2011) 91–96.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 414
Walking or running in the rain-A simple derivation of a general solution
A. Ehrmann, T. Blachowicz, European Journal of Physics 32 (2011) 355–361.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 413
Sensory knits
A. Ehrmann, Knitting International 117 (2011) 22–25.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 412
Adjusting exchange bias and coercivity of magnetic layered systems with varying anisotropies
A. Tillmanns, T. Blachowicz, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011).
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2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 411
Influence of the hairiness on the hydrophobicity-equipped fabric
M. Korger, A. Ehrmann, K. Klinkhammer, E. Janssen, Melliand Textilberichte 92 (2011) 106–107.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 410
Warp-knitted textiles with "hot wire"
A. Ehrmann, C.S. Griesel, R. Heimlich, M.O. Weber, Kettenwirk-Praxis (2011) 29–30.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 409
"Virtual fineness" - Proposal for the indication of the fineness of conductive yarns
M. Girod, F. Tamoue, A. Ehrmann, R. Haug, Melliand Textilberichte 92 (2011) 183–184.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 408
Fourfold nanosystems for quaternary storage devices
T. Blachowicz, A. Ehrmann, Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2011).

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 407
"Virtual fineness" - An approach to ascertain the linear density of yam made out of conductive material
M. Cirod, F. Tamoue, A. Ehrmann, R. Haug, Melliand International 17 (2011) 274–275.

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 1219 | OA
Grasping of extrafoveal targets: A robotic model
W. Schenck, H. Hoffmann, R. Möller, New Ideas in Psychology 29 (2011) 235–259.
HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 1220 | OA
Kinematic motor learning
W. Schenck, Connection Science 23 (2011) 239–283.
HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 1510 | OA
An Advanced Environment for Hybrid Modeling of Biological Systems Based on Modelica
S. Pross, B. Bachmann, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 8(1) (2011) 1–34.
HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

2011 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 1706 | OA HSBI-PUB | DOI | Download (ext.)

2011 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 5641 | OA
Aussagekraft der Effektivverzinsung und anderer Renditekennzahlen
C. Cottin, in: Sammlung von Beiträgen zum Workshop der Deutschen Aktuar-Akademie für junge Mathematiker, 2011.
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2011 | Buch als Herausgeber | FH-PUB-ID: 189
Affektive Dinge. Objektberührungen in Wissenschaft und Kunst
N. Adamowsky, R. Felfe, M. Formisano, G. Töpfer, K. Wagner, eds., Affektive Dinge. Objektberührungen in Wissenschaft Und Kunst, Wallstein, Göttingen, 2011.

2011 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 1442
Simulating Computationally Complex Magnetic Molecules
R. Winpenny, C. Schröder, in: Molecular Cluster Magnets, WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2011, pp. 241–296.

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