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2 Publikationen
2020 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 677
Growth of marine macroalgae Ectocarpus sp. on various textile substrates
S. Sebök, B. Brockhagen, J.L. Storck, I.B. Post, T. Bache, R. Korchev, R. Böttjer, T. Grothe, A. Ehrmann, Environmental Technology 43 (2020) 1340–1351.
S. Sebök, B. Brockhagen, J.L. Storck, I.B. Post, T. Bache, R. Korchev, R. Böttjer, T. Grothe, A. Ehrmann, Environmental Technology 43 (2020) 1340–1351.
2019 | Konferenzbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 571
Textile Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Natural Dyes
C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, A. Krause, C. Großerhode, J.L. Storck, A. Ehrmann, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, in: Proc. of 19th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Gent/Belgium, 2019.
C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, A. Krause, C. Großerhode, J.L. Storck, A. Ehrmann, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, in: Proc. of 19th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Gent/Belgium, 2019.