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2 Publikationen

2012 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2387
A Model for Knowledge Elicitation, Organization and Distribution in the Cultural Entertainment Sector
B. Valeri, F. Casati, M. Baez Gonzalez, R. Boast, in: J.J. Park, Q. Jin, M. Sang-soo Yeo, B. Hu (Eds.), Human Centric Technology and Service in Smart Space. HumanCom 2012, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2012, pp. 85–92.

2012 | Buchbeitrag | FH-PUB-ID: 2391
Unifying Platform for the Physical, Mental and Social Well-Being of the Elderly
I.K. Far, P. Silveira, F. Casati, M. Baez Gonzalez, in: J.J. Park, Y.-S. Jeong, S.O. Park, H.-C. Chen (Eds.), Embedded and Multimedia Computing Technology and Service, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2012, pp. 385–392.

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