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1 Publikation

2020 | Artikel | FH-PUB-ID: 1491
The OpenModelica Integrated Environment for Modeling, Simulation, and Model-Based Development
P. Fritzson, A. Pop, K. Abdelhak, A. Ashgar, B. Bachmann, W. Braun, D. Bouskela, R. Braun, L. Buffoni, F. Casella, R. Castro, R. Franke, D. Fritzson, M. Gebremedhin, A. Heuermann, B. Lie, A. Mengist, L. Mikelsons, K. Moudgalya, L. Ochel, A. Palanisamy, V. Ruge, W. Schamai, M. Sjölund, B. Thiele, J. Tinnerholm, P. Östlund, Modeling, Identification and Control: A Norwegian Research Bulletin 41 (2020) 241–295.

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