{"citation":{"ama":"Schramm U. Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings. In: Wells J, Pavlides E, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), eds. <i>Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places</i>. Providence; 2013:314.","apa":"Schramm, U. (2013). Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings. In J. Wells, E. Pavlides, & Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) (Eds.), <i>Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places</i> (p. 314). Providence.","ieee":"U. Schramm, “Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings,” in <i>Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places</i>, Providence, Rhode Island, 2013, p. 314.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Schramm_2013, place={Providence}, title={Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places}, author={Schramm, Ulrich}, editor={Wells, Jeremy and Pavlides, Elefterios and Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)Editors}, year={2013}, pages={314} }","mla":"Schramm, Ulrich. “Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings.” <i>Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places</i>, edited by Jeremy Wells et al., 2013, p. 314.","short":"U. Schramm, in: J. Wells, E. Pavlides, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) (Eds.), Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places, Providence, 2013, p. 314.","alphadin":"<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Schramm, Ulrich</span>: Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings. In: <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Wells, J.</span> ; <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Pavlides, E.</span> ; <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)</span> (Hrsg.): <i>Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places</i>. Providence, 2013, S. 314","chicago":"Schramm, Ulrich. “Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings.” In <i>Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places</i>, edited by Jeremy Wells, Elefterios Pavlides, and Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), 314. Providence, 2013."},"publication_status":"published","year":"2013","type":"conference","title":"Setting an Example as a Client: Quality Assurance in German Federal Government Buildings","place":"Providence","status":"public","_id":"5301","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"page":"314","editor":[{"full_name":"Wells, Jeremy","last_name":"Wells","first_name":"Jeremy"},{"first_name":"Elefterios","last_name":"Pavlides","full_name":"Pavlides, Elefterios"}],"user_id":"220548","date_created":"2025-01-13T11:46:37Z","date_updated":"2025-01-14T11:16:42Z","publication":"Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference: Healthy and Healing Places","quality_controlled":"1","department":[{"_id":"102"}],"corporate_editor":["Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)"],"author":[{"first_name":"Ulrich","id":"35438","full_name":"Schramm, Ulrich","last_name":"Schramm"}],"conference":{"start_date":"2013-05-29","location":"Providence, Rhode Island","name":"Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 44th Conference","end_date":"2013-06-02"}}