{"date_created":"2024-12-20T09:52:41Z","related_material":{"link":[{"url":"https://thingstaetten.info/de/thingstaetten-exhibition/","relation":"supplementary_material"}]},"user_id":"200824","year":"2023","citation":{"ama":"Bosse K. Thingstätten. (Kuratiert von Katharina Bosse, ed.).; 2023.","apa":"Bosse, K. (2023). Thingstätten. (Kuratiert von Katharina Bosse, Ed.). Presented at the Thingstätten, Deutsches Haus at NYU, New York, USA.","ieee":"K. Bosse, Thingstätten. 2023.","alphadin":"Bosse, Katharina ; Kuratiert von Katharina Bosse (Hrsg.): Thingstätten, 2023","mla":"Bosse, Katharina. Thingstätten. Edited by Kuratiert von Katharina Bosse, 2023.","short":"K. Bosse, Thingstätten, 2023.","bibtex":"@book{Bosse_2023, title={Thingstätten}, author={Bosse, Katharina}, editor={Kuratiert von Katharina BosseEditor}, year={2023} }","chicago":"Bosse, Katharina. Thingstätten. Edited by Kuratiert von Katharina Bosse, 2023."},"abstract":[{"text":"The Exhibition opens Sept 7th at Deutsches Haus NYU, New York 6-8 pm, and runs through Oct 27th. \r\nAn exhibition of documentary photography, art and science in New York\r\nBetween 1933 and 1936, so-called 'Thingstätte' (literally: thing sites) were erected as\r\npropagandistic open-air theaters and meeting places in early Nazi Germany. Four hundred\r\nThingstätten were planned, and around sixty constructed. Many of these barely known sites\r\ncan still be found scattered across Germany, Poland, and Russia – some forgotten, some\r\nstill actively in use as open-air theaters. In the deeply researched\r\nphotobook Thingstätten (Kerber, 2020) and interactive website, an interdisciplinary mix of\r\ninternational artists, scholars, and writers facilitates a critical examination of the unusual\r\nhistory of the “Thingstätte,” and how this forgotten problematic past continues to manifest\r\nexplicitly and implicitly in our present moment.\r\nThingstätte Heidelberg, 2014, and historic postcard of Thingstätte Borna, Nazi era.\r\n(Left: Felix Nürmberger, right, from the collection of Katharina Bosse)\r\nMany people have never heard of what is perhaps the most visible cultural investment of the\r\nThird Reich. The project received a special mention by the Jury of the European Heritage\r\nAward, for its innovative way of researching the problematic history with a network of artists,\r\nphotographers and scientists.\r\nThe project was initiated by artist and photographer Katharina Bosse from HSBI University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Germany, whose previous work has been featured in the New Yorker, GEO, National\r\nGeographic and the New York Times Magazine.\r\nMore information, a map and research can be found at : www.thingstaetten.info\r\n\r\nKatharina Bosse (DEU)\r\nRebecca Budde de Cancino (DEU)\r\nDoug Fitch (USA)\r\nJan Merlin Friedrich (DEU)\r\nJakob Ganslmeier (DEU)\r\nBernhard Gelderblom (DEU)\r\nAndrea Grützner (DEU/USA)\r\nRebecca Hackemann (USA)\r\nKonstantin Karchevskiy (RUS)\r\nHendrik Lüders (DEU)\r\nDaniel Mirer (USA)\r\nFelix Nürmberger (DEU)\r\nRalph Pache (DEU)\r\nAbhijit Pal (IND)\r\nPhilipp Robien (DEU)\r\nJewgeni Roppel (DEU)\r\nSimon Schubert (DEU)\r\nKuno Seltmann (DEU)\r\nErica Shires (USA)\r\nGerwin Strobl (UK)\r\nBeata Wielgosik (POL)\r\nThomas Wrede (DEU)\r\nStefan Wunsch (DEU)","lang":"eng"}],"_id":"5213","status":"public","conference":{"end_date":"2023-10-27","name":"Thingstätten","location":"Deutsches Haus at NYU, New York, USA","start_date":"2023-09-07"},"type":"group_exhibition","date_updated":"2024-12-20T09:52:50Z","corporate_editor":["Kuratiert von Katharina Bosse"],"title":"Thingstätten","author":[{"orcid_put_code_url":"https://api.orcid.org/v2.0/0009-0001-7420-0705/work/174179901","id":"200824","full_name":"Bosse, Katharina","first_name":"Katharina","last_name":"Bosse","orcid":"0009-0001-7420-0705"}],"project":[{"name":"Thingstätten - Projektionen der Propaganda","_id":"A846185C-C7DA-11E9-B0AE-1F4CB252D58D"}]}