Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-metrics

G. Behrens, (n.d.).

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Konferenzbeitrag | Angenommen | Englisch
herausgebende Körperschaft
Gesellschaft für Informatik
ENVIROINFO - Europäische Konferenz für Umweltinformatik
2024-11-12 – 2024-11-14


Behrens, Grit: Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-metrics. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik (Hrsg.) , Lecture Notes of Informatics. Berlin
Behrens G. Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-metrics. Gesellschaft für Informatik, ed.
Behrens, G. (n.d.). Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-metrics. (Gesellschaft für Informatik, Ed.). Presented at the ENVIROINFO - Europäische Konferenz für Umweltinformatik, Berlin.
@article{Behrens, place={Berlin}, series={Lecture Notes of Informatics}, title={Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-metrics}, author={Behrens, Grit}, editor={Gesellschaft für InformatikEditor}, collection={Lecture Notes of Informatics} }
Behrens, Grit. “Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-Metrics.” Edited by Gesellschaft für Informatik. Lecture Notes of Informatics. Berlin, n.d.
G. Behrens, “Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-metrics.” Berlin.
Behrens, Grit. Large Language Modeling Method to Support the Analysis of Environmental, Social , and Governance Reporting E-Metrics. Edited by Gesellschaft für Informatik.


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