Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview

S. Berlik, B. Reusch, in: R. Khosla, R.J. Howlett, L.C. Jain (Eds.), Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 1151–1159.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Berlik, StefanFH Bielefeld ; Reusch, Bernd
Khosla, Rajiv; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.
Directed mutation has shown to improve the efficiency of evolutionary algorithms significantly for a broad spectrum of optimization problems. When the first mutation operators of this kind, however, suffered from the asymmetry parameter influencing the mutation strength, in the meantime there are several new directed mutation operators available which overcome this drawback. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of all different operators in one single place. Their characteristics will be presented and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. At the end a comparison and a summary is provided.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III
9th International Conference, KES 2005
Melbourne, Australia
2005-09-14 – 2005-09-16


Berlik, Stefan ; Reusch, Bernd: Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview. In: Khosla, R. ; Howlett, R. J. ; Jain, L. C. (Hrsg.): Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, S. 1151–1159
Berlik S, Reusch B. Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview. In: Khosla R, Howlett RJ, Jain LC, eds. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2005:1151-1159. doi:10.1007/11553939_160
Berlik, S., & Reusch, B. (2005). Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview. In R. Khosla, R. J. Howlett, & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III (pp. 1151–1159). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
@inproceedings{Berlik_Reusch_2005, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title={Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview}, DOI={10.1007/11553939_160}, booktitle={Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author={Berlik, Stefan and Reusch, Bernd}, editor={Khosla, Rajiv and Howlett, Robert J. and Jain, Lakhmi C.Editors}, year={2005}, pages={1151–1159}, collection={Lecture Notes in Computer Science} }
Berlik, Stefan, and Bernd Reusch. “Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview.” In Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III, edited by Rajiv Khosla, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi C. Jain, 1151–59. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
S. Berlik and B. Reusch, “Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview,” in Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III, Melbourne, Australia, 2005, pp. 1151–1159.
Berlik, Stefan, and Bernd Reusch. “Directed Mutation Operators – An Overview.” Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III, edited by Rajiv Khosla et al., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 1151–59, doi:10.1007/11553939_160.


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