Analysis on the cone of discrete Radon measures

D. Finkelshtein, Y. Kondratiev, P. Kuchling, E. Lytvynov, M.J. Oliveira, ArXiv (2023).

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Artikel | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Finkelshtein, Dmitri; Kondratiev, Yuri; Kuchling, PeterFH Bielefeld ; Lytvynov, Eugene; Oliveira, Maria Joao
We study analysis on the cone of discrete Radon measures over a locally compact Polish space $X$. We discuss probability measures on the cone and the corresponding correlation measures and correlation functions on the sub-cone of finite discrete Radon measures over $X$. For this, we consider on the cone an analogue of the harmonic analysis on the configuration space developed in [12]. We also study elements of the difference calculus on the cone: we introduce discrete birth-and-death gradients and study the corresponding Dirichlet forms; finally, we discuss a system of polynomial functions on the cone which satisfy the binomial identity.


Finkelshtein, Dmitri ; Kondratiev, Yuri ; Kuchling, Peter ; Lytvynov, Eugene ; Oliveira, Maria Joao: Analysis on the cone of discrete Radon measures. In: arXiv, arXiv (2023)
Finkelshtein D, Kondratiev Y, Kuchling P, Lytvynov E, Oliveira MJ. Analysis on the cone of discrete Radon measures. arXiv. 2023. doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2312.03537
Finkelshtein, D., Kondratiev, Y., Kuchling, P., Lytvynov, E., & Oliveira, M. J. (2023). Analysis on the cone of discrete Radon measures. ArXiv.
@article{Finkelshtein_Kondratiev_Kuchling_Lytvynov_Oliveira_2023, title={Analysis on the cone of discrete Radon measures}, DOI={10.48550/ARXIV.2312.03537}, journal={arXiv}, publisher={arXiv}, author={Finkelshtein, Dmitri and Kondratiev, Yuri and Kuchling, Peter and Lytvynov, Eugene and Oliveira, Maria Joao}, year={2023} }
Finkelshtein, Dmitri, Yuri Kondratiev, Peter Kuchling, Eugene Lytvynov, and Maria Joao Oliveira. “Analysis on the Cone of Discrete Radon Measures.” ArXiv, 2023.
D. Finkelshtein, Y. Kondratiev, P. Kuchling, E. Lytvynov, and M. J. Oliveira, “Analysis on the cone of discrete Radon measures,” arXiv, 2023.
Finkelshtein, Dmitri, et al. “Analysis on the Cone of Discrete Radon Measures.” ArXiv, arXiv, 2023, doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2312.03537.


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