{"author":[{"last_name":"Kozior","full_name":"Kozior, Tomasz","first_name":"Tomasz"},{"full_name":"Mpofu, Nonsikelelo Sheron","last_name":"Mpofu","first_name":"Nonsikelelo Sheron"},{"first_name":"Johannes","last_name":"Fiedler","full_name":"Fiedler, Johannes"},{"full_name":"Ehrmann, Andrea","orcid":"0000-0003-0695-3905","orcid_put_code_url":"https://api.orcid.org/v2.0/0000-0003-0695-3905/work/165515954","last_name":"Ehrmann","first_name":"Andrea","id":"223776"}],"oa":"1","file":[{"success":1,"file_id":"4871","date_updated":"2024-08-14T21:06:03Z","access_level":"open_access","file_size":7413843,"date_created":"2024-08-14T21:06:03Z","content_type":"application/pdf","relation":"main_file","creator":"aehrmann","file_name":"_2024_Kozior_Tekstilec67_online-first.pdf"}],"has_accepted_license":"1","article_type":"original","date_created":"2024-08-14T21:07:14Z","file_date_updated":"2024-08-14T21:06:03Z","intvolume":" 67","_id":"4870","citation":{"ama":"Kozior T, Mpofu NS, Fiedler J, Ehrmann A. Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology. Tekstilec. 2024;67:1-14. doi:10.14502/tekstilec.67.2024080","apa":"Kozior, T., Mpofu, N. S., Fiedler, J., & Ehrmann, A. (2024). Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology. Tekstilec, 67, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.14502/tekstilec.67.2024080","ieee":"T. Kozior, N. S. Mpofu, J. Fiedler, and A. Ehrmann, “Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology,” Tekstilec, vol. 67, pp. 1–14, 2024.","bibtex":"@article{Kozior_Mpofu_Fiedler_Ehrmann_2024, title={Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology}, volume={67}, DOI={10.14502/tekstilec.67.2024080}, journal={Tekstilec}, publisher={University of Ljubljana}, author={Kozior, Tomasz and Mpofu, Nonsikelelo Sheron and Fiedler, Johannes and Ehrmann, Andrea}, year={2024}, pages={1–14} }","short":"T. Kozior, N.S. Mpofu, J. Fiedler, A. Ehrmann, Tekstilec 67 (2024) 1–14.","mla":"Kozior, Tomasz, et al. “Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology.” Tekstilec, vol. 67, University of Ljubljana, 2024, pp. 1–14, doi:10.14502/tekstilec.67.2024080.","chicago":"Kozior, Tomasz, Nonsikelelo Sheron Mpofu, Johannes Fiedler, and Andrea Ehrmann. “Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology.” Tekstilec 67 (2024): 1–14. https://doi.org/10.14502/tekstilec.67.2024080.","alphadin":"Kozior, Tomasz ; Mpofu, Nonsikelelo Sheron ; Fiedler, Johannes ; Ehrmann, Andrea: Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology. In: Tekstilec Bd. 67, University of Ljubljana (2024), S. 1–14"},"publication_status":"published","publisher":"University of Ljubljana","doi":"10.14502/tekstilec.67.2024080","keyword":["material extrusion","MEX","adhesion","fused deposition modelling","FDM"],"tmp":{"name":"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0)","short":"CC BY (4.0)","image":"/images/cc_by.png","legal_code_url":"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode"},"project":[{"name":"Institut für Technische Energie-Systeme","_id":"0ec202b7-cd76-11ed-89f4-a9e1a6dbdaa7"}],"publication":"Tekstilec","date_updated":"2024-08-16T07:53:13Z","publication_identifier":{"eissn":["2350-3696"],"issn":["0351-3386"]},"quality_controlled":"1","page":"1-14","user_id":"220548","urn":"urn:nbn:de:hbz:bi10-48707","volume":67,"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"The idea of 3D printing on textile fabrics was first mentioned around 10 years ago and has been investigated in detail since. Originally aimed at opening new design possibilities, combining 3D printing with textile substrates has shifted towards a new method to prepare composites with defined mechanical and other physical properties. The main problem of fused deposition modelling (FDM; also referred to as material extrusion (MEX) according to ISO/ASTM 52900) is printing on textile fabrics, where the frequently insufficient adhesion between both materials has not been fully resolved. For this reason, a few attempts have been made to combine other additive manufacturing methods with textile fabrics. While the principle possibility of using stereolithography (SLA) on textile fabrics was demonstrated a few years ago, PolyJet modelling (PJM) has only recently proven to be applicable for direct printing on textile materials. Here, we present the first study of printing MED610 medical resin on different fabrics. We show that a higher textile fabric surface roughness generally increases the adhesion of the printed material, while a higher hydrophobicity is disadvantageous. We also tested the influence of textile substrates on the porosity of the MED610 surface, as this parameter can influence a material’s potential use in tissue engineering and other biomedical applications."},{"text":"Ideja o 3-D tiskanju na tekstil je bila prvič omenjena pred približno desetimi leti in je bila od takrat podrobno raziskana. Kombinacija 3-D tiskanja s tekstilnimi materiali, ki je bila prvotno namenjena odpiranju novih možnosti oblikovanja, se je pozneje preusmerila na nove metode za pripravo kompozitov z definiranimi mehanskimi in drugimi fizikalnimi lastnostmi. Glavna težava modeliranja taljenega nanašanja (FDM; imenovana tudi ekstruzija materiala (MEX) v skladu z ISO/ASTM 52900) je tiskanje na tekstilije, kjer pomanjkljivost nezadostne adhezije med obema materialoma še ni bila v celoti odpravljena. Zato je bilo narejenih nekaj poskusov kombiniranja drugih metod aditivne tehnologije s  tekstilijami. Medtem ko je bila glavna možnost uporabe stereolitografije (SLA) na tekstilijah prikazana pred nekaj leti, se je modeliranje PolyJet (PJM) izkazalo za uporabno za neposredno tiskanje na tekstilne materiale šele pred kratkim. V tem članku je predstavljena prva študija tiskanja medicinske smole MED610 na različne tkanine. Dokazano je, da na povečanje adhezije natisnjenega materiala vpliva večja površinska hrapavost tekstilije, medtem ko večja hidrofobnost to adhezijo poslabša. Preizkušen je bil tudi vpliv tekstilnih materialov na poroznost površine MED610, saj lahko ta parameter vpliva na potencialno uporabo materiala v tkivnem inženirstvu in drugih biomedicinskih aplikacijah.\r\n ","lang":"other"}],"status":"public","title":"Influence of Textile Substrates on the Adhesion of PJM-Printed MED610 and Surface Morphology","year":"2024","type":"journal_article"}