What does “urgency” mean when prioritizing cancer treatment? Results from a qualitative study with German oncologists and other experts during the COVID-19 pandemic

S. Sommerlatte, H. Hense, S. Nadolny, A.-L. Kraeft, C. Lugnier, J. Schmitt, O. Schoffer, A. Reinacher-Schick, J. Schildmann, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 150 (2024).

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Artikel | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Sommerlatte, Sabine; Hense, Helene; Nadolny, StephanFH Bielefeld ; Kraeft, Anna-Lena; Lugnier, Celine; Schmitt, Jochen; Schoffer, Olaf; Reinacher-Schick, Anke; Schildmann, Jan
Purpose Cancer care in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic was affected by resource scarcity and the necessity to prioritize medical measures. This study explores ethical criteria for prioritization and their application in cancer practices from the perspective of German oncologists and other experts. Methods We conducted fourteen semi-structured interviews with German oncologists between February and July 2021 and fed findings of interviews and additional data on prioritizing cancer care into four structured group discussions, in January and February 2022, with 22 experts from medicine, nursing, law, ethics, health services research and health insurance. Interviews and group discussions were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results Narratives of the participants focus on “urgency” as most acceptable criterion for prioritization in cancer care. Patients who are considered curable and those with a high level of suffering, were given a high degree of “urgency.” However, further analysis indicates that the “urgency” criterion needs to be further distinguished according to at least three different dimensions: “urgency” to (1) prevent imminent harm to life, (2) prevent future harm to life and (3) alleviate suffering. In addition, “urgency” is modulated by the “success,” which can be reached by means of an intervention, and the “likelihood” of reaching that success. Conclusion Our analysis indicates that while “urgency” is a well-established criterion, its operationalization in the context of oncology is challenging. We argue that combined conceptual and clinical analyses are necessary for a sound application of the “urgency” criterion to prioritization in cancer care.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology


Sommerlatte, Sabine ; Hense, Helene ; Nadolny, Stephan ; Kraeft, Anna-Lena ; Lugnier, Celine ; Schmitt, Jochen ; Schoffer, Olaf ; Reinacher-Schick, Anke ; u. a.: What does “urgency” mean when prioritizing cancer treatment? Results from a qualitative study with German oncologists and other experts during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology Bd. 150, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024), Nr. 7
Sommerlatte S, Hense H, Nadolny S, et al. What does “urgency” mean when prioritizing cancer treatment? Results from a qualitative study with German oncologists and other experts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2024;150(7). doi:10.1007/s00432-024-05863-7
Sommerlatte, S., Hense, H., Nadolny, S., Kraeft, A.-L., Lugnier, C., Schmitt, J., … Schildmann, J. (2024). What does “urgency” mean when prioritizing cancer treatment? Results from a qualitative study with German oncologists and other experts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 150(7).
@article{Sommerlatte_Hense_Nadolny_Kraeft_Lugnier_Schmitt_Schoffer_Reinacher-Schick_Schildmann_2024, title={What does “urgency” mean when prioritizing cancer treatment? Results from a qualitative study with German oncologists and other experts during the COVID-19 pandemic}, volume={150}, DOI={10.1007/s00432-024-05863-7}, number={7352}, journal={Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Sommerlatte, Sabine and Hense, Helene and Nadolny, Stephan and Kraeft, Anna-Lena and Lugnier, Celine and Schmitt, Jochen and Schoffer, Olaf and Reinacher-Schick, Anke and Schildmann, Jan}, year={2024} }
Sommerlatte, Sabine, Helene Hense, Stephan Nadolny, Anna-Lena Kraeft, Celine Lugnier, Jochen Schmitt, Olaf Schoffer, Anke Reinacher-Schick, and Jan Schildmann. “What Does ‘Urgency’ Mean When Prioritizing Cancer Treatment? Results from a Qualitative Study with German Oncologists and Other Experts during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 150, no. 7 (2024).
S. Sommerlatte et al., “What does ‘urgency’ mean when prioritizing cancer treatment? Results from a qualitative study with German oncologists and other experts during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, vol. 150, no. 7, 2024.
Sommerlatte, Sabine, et al. “What Does ‘Urgency’ Mean When Prioritizing Cancer Treatment? Results from a Qualitative Study with German Oncologists and Other Experts during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, vol. 150, no. 7, 352, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024, doi:10.1007/s00432-024-05863-7.
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