Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift
D. Becking, C. Steinmeier, in: International Computer Music Association (Ed.), Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2018.
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Becking, Dominic
Steinmeier, Christine

herausgebende Körperschaft
International Computer Music Association
It looks like a flying saucer and its metallic overtone-rich
bell-like chime immediately fascinates the audience. For
many years an absolute insider tip, handpans (also known
as Hang or Spacedrum) have gained more and more popularity
and evolved from an esoteric niche instrument to an
idol of the public. Considering the assumption that instruments
with very simple interfaces, like for instance drums,
offer a particularly suitable introduction to making music,
it follows that handpans could also be used in early musical
education, as they provide the possibility to produce
not only transient sounds, like most other easy-to-use percussive
instruments, but tones and melodies, similar to the
xylophone. However, the interface itself is rather abstract
and not very informative about the kind of sounds it produces.
It is also a very expensive instrument. For this reason,
in this paper we present ongoing developments in the
design of an augmented digital handpan called ’Rainbow
Blob’. The system uses Leap Motion to capture strokes on
a plexiglass dome to produce the typical ethereal sounds
for which this instrument is famous. At the same time, additional
visual information will be given as feedback and
used for advice and learning instructions.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
Daegu, South Korea
Becking, Dominic ; Steinmeier, Christine: Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift. In: International Computer Music Association (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2018
Becking D, Steinmeier C. Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift. In: International Computer Music Association, ed. Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). ; 2018.
Becking, D., & Steinmeier, C. (2018). Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift. In International Computer Music Association (Ed.), Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). Daegu, South Korea.
@inproceedings{Becking_Steinmeier_2018, series={Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)}, title={Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)}, author={Becking, Dominic and Steinmeier, Christine}, editor={International Computer Music AssociationEditor}, year={2018}, collection={Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)} }
Becking, Dominic, and Christine Steinmeier. “Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan Using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift.” In Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), edited by International Computer Music Association. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2018.
D. Becking and C. Steinmeier, “Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift,” in Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Daegu, South Korea, 2018.
Becking, Dominic, and Christine Steinmeier. “Rainbow Blob: Augmented Handpan Using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift.” Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), edited by International Computer Music Association, 2018.