{"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have gained significant attention in the field of neuromorphic computing for their potential to mimic the brain’s spiking neurons, allowing event-driven processing based on exact spike timing. In this paper, we introduce a novel architecture that uses the power of SNN in combination with transfer learning to achieve real-time human presence detection and analysis using event-based cameras and compare it with non-event-based cameras. This architecture, which is deployed on edge computing devices, controls a comprehensive pipeline of components, seamlessly integrating various strategies. It combines object detection, transfer learning with SNN, human recognition, localizing and tracking, feature extraction, multi-core architecture, and run-time analysis. The application is initiated by extensively detecting objects and monitoring environments for motion events. Thus, transfer learning adjusts pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) weights to SNNs upon detection, enabling event-driven processing. The utilization of multi-core processing speeds up the analytical workload while maintaining real-time operations. The architecture also keeps a valuable spike train dataset, which records important information about recognized objects. This dataset is useful for applications such as behavioral analysis and real-time monitoring."}],"publication":"Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings","year":"2024","editor":[{"last_name":"Iliadis","first_name":"Lazaros","full_name":"Iliadis, Lazaros"},{"full_name":"Maglogiannis, Ilias","last_name":"Maglogiannis","first_name":"Ilias"},{"last_name":"Papaleonidas","first_name":"Antonios","full_name":"Papaleonidas, Antonios"},{"last_name":"Pimenidis","first_name":"Elias","full_name":"Pimenidis, Elias"},{"first_name":"Chrisina","last_name":"Jayne","full_name":"Jayne, Chrisina"}],"type":"conference","user_id":"220548","publication_identifier":{"issn":["1865-0929"],"isbn":["978-3-031-62494-0"],"eisbn":["978-3-031-62495-7"],"eissn":["1865-0937"]},"_id":"4782","author":[{"last_name":"Sanaullah","first_name":"Sanaullah","orcid":"0000-0003-4112-802X","orcid_put_code_url":"https://api.orcid.org/v2.0/0000-0003-4112-802X/work/163027382","id":"248865","full_name":"Sanaullah, Sanaullah"},{"first_name":"Shamini","last_name":"Koravuna","full_name":"Koravuna, Shamini"},{"last_name":"Rückert","first_name":"Ulrich","full_name":"Rückert, Ulrich"},{"orcid":"0000-0001-7425-8766","full_name":"Jungeblut, Thorsten","id":"242294","orcid_put_code_url":"https://api.orcid.org/v2.0/0000-0001-7425-8766/work/163027383","first_name":"Thorsten","last_name":"Jungeblut"}],"title":"A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-core Architecture on Edge Device","publisher":"Springer Nature Switzerland","conference":{"start_date":"2024-06-27","location":"Corfu, Greece","name":"25th International Conference, EANN 2024","end_date":"2024-06-30"},"series_title":"Communications in Computer and Information Science","status":"public","place":"Cham","page":"317-328","doi":"10.1007/978-3-031-62495-7_24","date_updated":"2024-07-16T10:20:21Z","publication_status":"published","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"citation":{"apa":"Sanaullah, S., Koravuna, S., Rückert, U., & Jungeblut, T. (2024). A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-core Architecture on Edge Device. In L. Iliadis, I. Maglogiannis, A. Papaleonidas, E. Pimenidis, & C. Jayne (Eds.), Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings (pp. 317–328). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-62495-7_24","chicago":"Sanaullah, Sanaullah, Shamini Koravuna, Ulrich Rückert, and Thorsten Jungeblut. “A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-Object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-Core Architecture on Edge Device.” In Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings, edited by Lazaros Iliadis, Ilias Maglogiannis, Antonios Papaleonidas, Elias Pimenidis, and Chrisina Jayne, 317–28. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-62495-7_24.","mla":"Sanaullah, Sanaullah, et al. “A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-Object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-Core Architecture on Edge Device.” Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings, edited by Lazaros Iliadis et al., Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp. 317–28, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-62495-7_24.","ieee":"S. Sanaullah, S. Koravuna, U. Rückert, and T. Jungeblut, “A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-core Architecture on Edge Device,” in Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings, Corfu, Greece, 2024, pp. 317–328.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Sanaullah_Koravuna_Rückert_Jungeblut_2024, place={Cham}, series={Communications in Computer and Information Science}, title={A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-core Architecture on Edge Device}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-62495-7_24}, booktitle={Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings}, publisher={Springer Nature Switzerland}, author={Sanaullah, Sanaullah and Koravuna, Shamini and Rückert, Ulrich and Jungeblut, Thorsten}, editor={Iliadis, Lazaros and Maglogiannis, Ilias and Papaleonidas, Antonios and Pimenidis, Elias and Jayne, ChrisinaEditors}, year={2024}, pages={317–328}, collection={Communications in Computer and Information Science} }","ama":"Sanaullah S, Koravuna S, Rückert U, Jungeblut T. A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-core Architecture on Edge Device. In: Iliadis L, Maglogiannis I, Papaleonidas A, Pimenidis E, Jayne C, eds. Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2024:317-328. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-62495-7_24","alphadin":"Sanaullah, Sanaullah ; Koravuna, Shamini ; Rückert, Ulrich ; Jungeblut, Thorsten: A Spike Vision Approach for Multi-object Detection and Generating Dataset Using Multi-core Architecture on Edge Device. In: Iliadis, L. ; Maglogiannis, I. ; Papaleonidas, A. ; Pimenidis, E. ; Jayne, C. (Hrsg.): Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings, Communications in Computer and Information Science. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, S. 317–328","short":"S. Sanaullah, S. Koravuna, U. Rückert, T. Jungeblut, in: L. Iliadis, I. Maglogiannis, A. Papaleonidas, E. Pimenidis, C. Jayne (Eds.), Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. 25th International Conference, EANN 2024, Corfu, Greece, June 27–30, 2024, Proceedings, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024, pp. 317–328."},"date_created":"2024-07-05T10:09:03Z"}