Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications

D. Schmies, K.S. Stille, J. Lange, O. Wallscheid, in: PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit, VDE Verlag, 2023, pp. 106–111.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Englisch
Schmies, Dominik; Stille, Karl StephanFH Bielefeld ; Lange, Jarren; Wallscheid, Oliver
Titel des Konferenzbandes
PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit
106 - 111
PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit
2023-11-15 – 2023-11-17


Schmies, Dominik ; Stille, Karl Stephan ; Lange, Jarren ; Wallscheid, Oliver: Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications. In: PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit : VDE Verlag, 2023, S. 106–111
Schmies D, Stille KS, Lange J, Wallscheid O. Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications. In: PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit. VDE Verlag; 2023:106-111.
Schmies, D., Stille, K. S., Lange, J., & Wallscheid, O. (2023). Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications. In PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit (pp. 106–111). Bielefeld: VDE Verlag.
@inproceedings{Schmies_Stille_Lange_Wallscheid_2023, title={Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications}, booktitle={PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit}, publisher={VDE Verlag}, author={Schmies, Dominik and Stille, Karl Stephan and Lange, Jarren and Wallscheid, Oliver}, year={2023}, pages={106–111} }
Schmies, Dominik, Karl Stephan Stille, Jarren Lange, and Oliver Wallscheid. “Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications.” In PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit, 106–11. VDE Verlag, 2023.
D. Schmies, K. S. Stille, J. Lange, and O. Wallscheid, “Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications,” in PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit, Bielefeld, 2023, pp. 106–111.
Schmies, Dominik, et al. “Operational Insights into a 4 MVA Microgrid Laboratory for Decentralized Power Electronic Applications.” PESS 2023; Power and Energy Student Summit, VDE Verlag, 2023, pp. 106–11.


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