External field dependence of the correlation lengths in the three-dimensional O(4) model
J. Engels, L. Fromme, M. Seniuch, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 129–130 (2004) 783–785.
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Engels, J;
Fromme, Lars
Seniuch, M

We investigate numerically the transverse and longitudinal correlation lengths of the three-dimensional O(4) model as a function of the external field H. In the low-temperature phase we verify explicitly the
-dependence of the transverse correlation length, which is expected due to the Goldstone modes of the model. On the critical line we find the universal amplitude ratio χTc/χLc = 1.99(1). From our data we derive the universal scaling function for the transverse correlation length. The H-dependencies of the correlation lengths in the high temperature phase are discussed and shown to be in accord with the scaling functions.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
Engels, J ; Fromme, Lars ; Seniuch, M: External field dependence of the correlation lengths in the three-dimensional O(4) model. In: Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements Bd. 129–130, Elsevier BV (2004), S. 783–785
Engels J, Fromme L, Seniuch M. External field dependence of the correlation lengths in the three-dimensional O(4) model. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 2004;129-130:783-785. doi:10.1016/S0920-5632(03)02712-9
Engels, J., Fromme, L., & Seniuch, M. (2004). External field dependence of the correlation lengths in the three-dimensional O(4) model. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 129–130, 783–785. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0920-5632(03)02712-9
@article{Engels_Fromme_Seniuch_2004, title={External field dependence of the correlation lengths in the three-dimensional O(4) model}, volume={129–130}, DOI={10.1016/S0920-5632(03)02712-9}, journal={Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Engels, J and Fromme, Lars and Seniuch, M}, year={2004}, pages={783–785} }
Engels, J, Lars Fromme, and M Seniuch. “External Field Dependence of the Correlation Lengths in the Three-Dimensional O(4) Model.” Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 129–130 (2004): 783–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0920-5632(03)02712-9.
J. Engels, L. Fromme, and M. Seniuch, “External field dependence of the correlation lengths in the three-dimensional O(4) model,” Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, vol. 129–130, pp. 783–785, 2004.
Engels, J., et al. “External Field Dependence of the Correlation Lengths in the Three-Dimensional O(4) Model.” Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, vol. 129–130, Elsevier BV, 2004, pp. 783–85, doi:10.1016/S0920-5632(03)02712-9.