Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization

R.H.W. Hoppe, P. Böhm, G. Mazurkevitch, S. Petrova, G. Wachutka, E. Wolfgang, in: W. Jäger, H.-J. Krebs (Eds.), Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 365–376.

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Buchbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Hoppe, Ronald H. W.; Böhm, Peter; Mazurkevitch, George; Petrova, SvetozaraFH Bielefeld; Wachutka, Gerhard; Wolfgang, Eckhard
Jäger, Willi; Krebs, Hans-Joachim
High power electronic devices such as converter modules are frequently used as electric drives for high power electromotors. The efficient and reliable operating behaviour of such devices requires an optimal design with regard to a minimization of power losses due to parasitic inductivities caused by eddy currents. The mathematical modelling gives rise to a topology optimization problem where the state variables are required to satisfy the quasistationary limit of Maxwell’s equations and the design variables are subject to both equality and inequality constraints. Based on appropriate finite element approximations involving domain decomposition techniques, the discretized optimization problem is solved by a primaldual Newton interior-point method.
Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future


Hoppe, Ronald H. W. ; Böhm, Peter ; Mazurkevitch, George ; Petrova, Svetozara ; Wachutka, Gerhard ; Wolfgang, Eckhard: Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization. In: Jäger, W. ; Krebs, H.-J. (Hrsg.): Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2003, S. 365–376
Hoppe RHW, Böhm P, Mazurkevitch G, Petrova S, Wachutka G, Wolfgang E. Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization. In: Jäger W, Krebs H-J, eds. Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2003:365-376. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55753-8_30
Hoppe, R. H. W., Böhm, P., Mazurkevitch, G., Petrova, S., Wachutka, G., & Wolfgang, E. (2003). Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization. In W. Jäger & H.-J. Krebs (Eds.), Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future (pp. 365–376). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
@inbook{Hoppe_Böhm_Mazurkevitch_Petrova_Wachutka_Wolfgang_2003, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-642-55753-8_30}, booktitle={Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future}, publisher={Springer}, author={Hoppe, Ronald H. W. and Böhm, Peter and Mazurkevitch, George and Petrova, Svetozara and Wachutka, Gerhard and Wolfgang, Eckhard}, editor={Jäger, Willi and Krebs, Hans-JoachimEditors}, year={2003}, pages={365–376} }
Hoppe, Ronald H. W., Peter Böhm, George Mazurkevitch, Svetozara Petrova, Gerhard Wachutka, and Eckhard Wolfgang. “Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization.” In Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future, edited by Willi Jäger and Hans-Joachim Krebs, 365–76. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2003.
R. H. W. Hoppe, P. Böhm, G. Mazurkevitch, S. Petrova, G. Wachutka, and E. Wolfgang, “Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization,” in Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future, W. Jäger and H.-J. Krebs, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2003, pp. 365–376.
Hoppe, Ronald H. W., et al. “Optimal Design of High Power Electronic Devices by Topology Optimization.” Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future, edited by Willi Jäger and Hans-Joachim Krebs, Springer, 2003, pp. 365–76, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55753-8_30.


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