{"conference":{"end_date":"2023-09-21","start_date":"2023-09-17","location":"Berlin","name":"14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology"},"abstract":[{"text":"Weeds pose severe threats to agricultural yields and areas used for settlement and\r\ntransport. Until now, glyphosate is widely applied to reduce undesired plants worldwide [1].\r\nDue to its negative impact on the environment, insects and humans [2-5] and likely\r\nprohibition in the EU until the end of 2023 [6], an effective as well as ecologically acceptable\r\nalternative is urgently needed.\r\nRepeated application of commercially available nontriazine herbicides caused resistant\r\nbiotypes of weeds, which requires evolved agents for their control [7]. Promising alternatives\r\nto replace these harmful or inefficient products are novel herbicidal substances that target\r\npathways in plants, that cannot be bypassed and arrest growth or cause cell death without\r\nharmful side effects on non-target organisms [8].\r\n7-deoxy-sedoheptulose (7dSh) is such a novel herbicidal candidate. This sugar was isolated\r\nfrom culture supernatants of Synechococcus elongatus and has recently been reported to\r\nact as an inhibitor of a key enzyme of the shikimate pathway [8] analogous to glyphosate\r\n[1]. Yet the cyanobacterium S. elongatus produces very low amounts of 7dSh merely in the\r\nstationary phase of cultivation [8] and is therefore not a suitable candidate for an industrial\r\nproduction. Besides, chemoenzymatic synthesis of 7dSh has a low yield (20%) [8] and is\r\nnot economically feasible due to high substrate costs such as 5-deoxy-D-ribose.\r\nTherefore, we aim to develop a microbial process with Streptomyces setonensis as a natural\r\nproducer strain [8] for the large-scale production of 7dSh as an alternative herbicide. To\r\nevolve a scalable, well-characterized bioprocess for an unknown microbial system, firstly,\r\nparameters as media composition, phosphate and nitrogen limitation were examined using\r\na high-throughput microbioreactor system (BioLector) which allows online-monitoring of\r\ngrowth. Moreover, a design of experiments (DOE) approach in shake flasks was conducted\r\nto investigate the influence of cultivation factors on each other. To verify the influence of\r\noxygen availability and gain a deeper understanding of the metabolism the oxygen transfer\r\nrate is measured with RAMOS® (Respiration Activity MOnitoring System). Results from the\r\nDOE approach suggest that elevated osmolarity through NaCl addition enables higher\r\nproduct titers whereas nitrogen starvation or addition has no influence. For other\r\nStreptomyces strains it is reported that the synthesis of antibiotics and other secondary\r\nmetabolites is coupled to phosphate limitation [9]. Surprisingly, in contrast, 7dSh synthesis\r\nis enhanced by adding 150% more of both phosphate components than in the basic minimal\r\nmedium [10] and decreased if phosphate starvation occurs. Therefore, the identification of\r\nthe trigger for the 7dSh production is still ongoing, although the product titer was already\r\nincreased by factor 100 from mg/L [8] to g/L. The identified beneficial culture conditions lay\r\nthe foundation for the process scale-up to a stirred-tank reactor and to further improve\r\nproduct concentration by applying process control and defining the optimal operation\r\nregime.\r\nREFERENCES\r\n[1] Duke, S. O. and Powles, S. B. Glyphosate: a once-in-a-century herbicide. Pest. Manag. Sci. 64, 319–325\r\n(2008).\r\n[2] Kiefer, J.S.T., Batsukh, S., Bauer, E. et al. Inhibition of a nutritional endosymbiont by glyphosate abolishes\r\nmutualistic benefit on cuticle synthesis in Oryzaephilus surinamensis. Commun Biol 4, 554 (2021).\r\n[3] Smith, D.F.Q., Camacho, E., Thakur, R. et al. Glyphosate inhibits melanization and increases\r\nsusceptibility to infection in insects. PLOS Biology 19(5): e3001182 (2021).\r\n[4] Farina, W.M., Balbuena, M.S., Herbert, L.T. et al. Effects of the Herbicide Glyphosate on Honey Bee\r\nSensory and Cognitive Abilities: Individual Impairments with Implications for the Hive. Insects 10, 354 (2019).\r\n[5] Meftaul, I.M., Venkateswarlu, K., Dharmarajan, R. et al. Controversies over human health and ecological\r\nimpacts of glyphosate: Is it to be banned in modern agriculture? Environ Pollut. 263(Pt A):114372 (2020).\r\n[6] https://www.bmuv.de/themen/wasser-ressourcen-abfall/boden-und-altlasten/bodenschutz-und-altlasten-\r\nworum-geht-es/faq-plan-zum-glyphosat-ausstieg\r\n[7] LeBaron, H.M., Hill, E.R. Weeds resistant to nontriazine classes of herbicides. In: LeBaron HM,\r\nMcFarland JE, Burnside OC (eds) The Triazine Herbicides. Elsevier, Chapter 11 (2008)\r\n[8] Brilisauer, K., Rapp, J., Rath, P. et al. Cyanobacterial antimetabolite 7-deoxy-sedoheptulose blocks the\r\nshikimate pathway to inhibit the growth of prototrophic organisms. Nat Commun 10, 545 (2019)\r\n[9] Martin, J.F. Phosphate control of the biosynthesis of antibiotics and other secondary metabolites is\r\nmediated by the PhoR-PhoP system: an unfinished story. J. Bacteriol. 186 (16), 5197–5201 (2004)\r\n[10] Koepff, J., Sachs, C.C., Wiechert, W. et al. Germination and Growth Analysis of Streptomyces lividans at\r\nthe Single-Cell Level Under Varying Medium Compositions. Front. Microbiol. 9:2680 (2018)","lang":"eng"}],"type":"conference","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2024-02-23T15:10:47Z","department":[{"_id":"103"}],"author":[{"id":"249921","first_name":"Xenia Ricarda","last_name":"Steurer","full_name":"Steurer, Xenia Ricarda"},{"first_name":"Dèsirèe ","last_name":"Jakobs-Schönwandt","full_name":"Jakobs-Schönwandt, Dèsirèe "},{"first_name":"Karl","last_name":"Forchhammer","full_name":"Forchhammer, Karl"},{"first_name":"Alexander","last_name":"Grünberger","full_name":"Grünberger, Alexander"},{"first_name":"Anant","id":"201870","full_name":"Patel, Anant","last_name":"Patel"}],"user_id":"220548","citation":{"alphadin":"Steurer, Xenia Ricarda ; Jakobs-Schönwandt, Dèsirèe ; Forchhammer, Karl ; Grünberger, Alexander ; Patel, Anant: Development of a bioprocess for the production of a herbicidal sugar as sustainable alternative to glyphosate. In: , 2023","short":"X.R. Steurer, D. Jakobs-Schönwandt, K. Forchhammer, A. Grünberger, A. Patel, in: 2023.","ieee":"X. R. Steurer, D. Jakobs-Schönwandt, K. Forchhammer, A. Grünberger, and A. Patel, “Development of a bioprocess for the production of a herbicidal sugar as sustainable alternative to glyphosate,” presented at the 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin, 2023.","chicago":"Steurer, Xenia Ricarda, Dèsirèe Jakobs-Schönwandt, Karl Forchhammer, Alexander Grünberger, and Anant Patel. “Development of a Bioprocess for the Production of a Herbicidal Sugar as Sustainable Alternative to Glyphosate,” 2023.","apa":"Steurer, X. R., Jakobs-Schönwandt, D., Forchhammer, K., Grünberger, A., & Patel, A. (2023). Development of a bioprocess for the production of a herbicidal sugar as sustainable alternative to glyphosate. Presented at the 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin.","mla":"Steurer, Xenia Ricarda, et al. Development of a Bioprocess for the Production of a Herbicidal Sugar as Sustainable Alternative to Glyphosate. 2023.","ama":"Steurer XR, Jakobs-Schönwandt D, Forchhammer K, Grünberger A, Patel A. Development of a bioprocess for the production of a herbicidal sugar as sustainable alternative to glyphosate. In: ; 2023.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Steurer_Jakobs-Schönwandt_Forchhammer_Grünberger_Patel_2023, title={Development of a bioprocess for the production of a herbicidal sugar as sustainable alternative to glyphosate}, author={Steurer, Xenia Ricarda and Jakobs-Schönwandt, Dèsirèe and Forchhammer, Karl and Grünberger, Alexander and Patel, Anant}, year={2023} }"},"date_created":"2024-02-23T09:09:04Z","title":"Development of a bioprocess for the production of a herbicidal sugar as sustainable alternative to glyphosate","status":"public","_id":"4362","year":"2023"}