Code for: How happy is happy enough? A cross-cultural comparison of optimal cut points for the Positive Mental Health Scale.

G. Bonnin, G. Hirschfeld, R. Von Brachel, J. Margraf, Code for: How Happy Is Happy Enough? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Optimal Cut Points for the Positive Mental Health Scale., PsychArchives, 2023.

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Diskussionspapier | Englisch
Bonnin, Gabriel; Hirschfeld, GerritFH Bielefeld ; Von Brachel, Ruth; Margraf, Jürgen


Bonnin, Gabriel ; Hirschfeld, Gerrit ; Von Brachel, Ruth ; Margraf, Jürgen: Code for: How happy is happy enough? A cross-cultural comparison of optimal cut points for the Positive Mental Health Scale. : PsychArchives, 2023
Bonnin G, Hirschfeld G, Von Brachel R, Margraf J. Code for: How Happy Is Happy Enough? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Optimal Cut Points for the Positive Mental Health Scale. PsychArchives; 2023. doi:10.23668/PSYCHARCHIVES.12979
Bonnin, G., Hirschfeld, G., Von Brachel, R., & Margraf, J. (2023). Code for: How happy is happy enough? A cross-cultural comparison of optimal cut points for the Positive Mental Health Scale. PsychArchives.
@book{Bonnin_Hirschfeld_Von Brachel_Margraf_2023, title={Code for: How happy is happy enough? A cross-cultural comparison of optimal cut points for the Positive Mental Health Scale.}, DOI={10.23668/PSYCHARCHIVES.12979}, publisher={PsychArchives}, author={Bonnin, Gabriel and Hirschfeld, Gerrit and Von Brachel, Ruth and Margraf, Jürgen}, year={2023} }
Bonnin, Gabriel, Gerrit Hirschfeld, Ruth Von Brachel, and Jürgen Margraf. Code for: How Happy Is Happy Enough? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Optimal Cut Points for the Positive Mental Health Scale. PsychArchives, 2023.
G. Bonnin, G. Hirschfeld, R. Von Brachel, and J. Margraf, Code for: How happy is happy enough? A cross-cultural comparison of optimal cut points for the Positive Mental Health Scale. PsychArchives, 2023.
Bonnin, Gabriel, et al. Code for: How Happy Is Happy Enough? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Optimal Cut Points for the Positive Mental Health Scale. PsychArchives, 2023, doi:10.23668/PSYCHARCHIVES.12979.


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