Isotropic exchange-bias in twinned epitaxial Co/Co3O4 bilayer
M. Wortmann, T. Samanta, M. Gaerner, M. Westphal, J. Fiedler, I. Ennen, A. Hütten, T. Blachowicz, L. Caron, A. Ehrmann, APL Materials 11 (2023).
| Veröffentlicht
| Englisch
Wortmann, Martin;
Samanta, Tapas;
Gaerner, Maik;
Westphal, Michael;
Fiedler, Johannes;
Ennen, Inga;
Hütten, Andreas;
Blachowicz, Tomasz;
Caron, Luana;
Ehrmann, Andrea

Exchange bias (EB) is a unidirectional anisotropy caused by interface coupling between a ferromagnet and an antiferromagnet. It causes a preferential direction of magnetization in the ferromagnet, which manifests as a shift of the hysteresis loop along the magnetic field axis. Here, we demonstrate a large EB of over 1000 Oe at 20 K in a twinned Co(111)/Co3O4(111) thin film epitaxially grown on sapphire(0001) with sixfold rotational lattice symmetry, which is among the highest values reported for Co/Co1−yO systems. In such systems, the effect intensity is largest along the magnetic easy axes, which usually results in an anisotropy of the EB in epitaxial interfaces. However, we observed identical EB values for 0°, 15°, and 30° angles between the magnetic field and the nearest Co[002] magnetic easy axes. The measurements imply a relaxation of the magnetization to the nearest easy axis, suggesting increasingly isotropic EB fields with higher orders of rotational lattice symmetry.
APL Materials
Article Processing Charge funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Open Access Publication Fund of LibreCat University.
Wortmann, Martin ; Samanta, Tapas ; Gaerner, Maik ; Westphal, Michael ; Fiedler, Johannes ; Ennen, Inga ; Hütten, Andreas ; Blachowicz, Tomasz ; u. a.: Isotropic exchange-bias in twinned epitaxial Co/Co3O4 bilayer. In: APL Materials Bd. 11, AIP Publishing (2023), Nr. 12
Wortmann M, Samanta T, Gaerner M, et al. Isotropic exchange-bias in twinned epitaxial Co/Co3O4 bilayer. APL Materials. 2023;11(12). doi:10.1063/5.0183566
Wortmann, M., Samanta, T., Gaerner, M., Westphal, M., Fiedler, J., Ennen, I., … Ehrmann, A. (2023). Isotropic exchange-bias in twinned epitaxial Co/Co3O4 bilayer. APL Materials, 11(12).
@article{Wortmann_Samanta_Gaerner_Westphal_Fiedler_Ennen_Hütten_Blachowicz_Caron_Ehrmann_2023, title={Isotropic exchange-bias in twinned epitaxial Co/Co3O4 bilayer}, volume={11}, DOI={10.1063/5.0183566}, number={12}, journal={APL Materials}, publisher={AIP Publishing}, author={Wortmann, Martin and Samanta, Tapas and Gaerner, Maik and Westphal, Michael and Fiedler, Johannes and Ennen, Inga and Hütten, Andreas and Blachowicz, Tomasz and Caron, Luana and Ehrmann, Andrea}, year={2023} }
Wortmann, Martin, Tapas Samanta, Maik Gaerner, Michael Westphal, Johannes Fiedler, Inga Ennen, Andreas Hütten, Tomasz Blachowicz, Luana Caron, and Andrea Ehrmann. “Isotropic Exchange-Bias in Twinned Epitaxial Co/Co3O4 Bilayer.” APL Materials 11, no. 12 (2023).
M. Wortmann et al., “Isotropic exchange-bias in twinned epitaxial Co/Co3O4 bilayer,” APL Materials, vol. 11, no. 12, 2023.
Wortmann, Martin, et al. “Isotropic Exchange-Bias in Twinned Epitaxial Co/Co3O4 Bilayer.” APL Materials, vol. 11, no. 12, AIP Publishing, 2023, doi:10.1063/5.0183566.
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