Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current research, experiences and implications. Shifting from a deficit perspective to a resource oriented perspective

D. Bruland, N.S. Vetter, N. Seidl, Ä.-D. Latteck, in: 2021.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Englisch
International Health Literacy Association Webinar
2021-05-15 – 2021-05-15


Bruland, Dirk ; Vetter, Nils Sebastian ; Seidl, Norbert ; Latteck, Änne-Dörte: Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current research, experiences and implications. Shifting from a deficit perspective to a resource oriented perspective. In: , 2021
Bruland D, Vetter NS, Seidl N, Latteck Ä-D. Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current research, experiences and implications. Shifting from a deficit perspective to a resource oriented perspective. In: ; 2021.
Bruland, D., Vetter, N. S., Seidl, N., & Latteck, Ä.-D. (2021). Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current research, experiences and implications. Shifting from a deficit perspective to a resource oriented perspective. Presented at the International Health Literacy Association Webinar, Online.
@inproceedings{Bruland_Vetter_Seidl_Latteck_2021, title={Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current research, experiences and implications. Shifting from a deficit perspective to a resource oriented perspective}, author={Bruland, Dirk and Vetter, Nils Sebastian and Seidl, Norbert and Latteck, Änne-Dörte}, year={2021} }
Bruland, Dirk, Nils Sebastian Vetter, Norbert Seidl, and Änne-Dörte Latteck. “Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current Research, Experiences and Implications. Shifting from a Deficit Perspective to a Resource Oriented Perspective,” 2021.
D. Bruland, N. S. Vetter, N. Seidl, and Ä.-D. Latteck, “Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current research, experiences and implications. Shifting from a deficit perspective to a resource oriented perspective,” presented at the International Health Literacy Association Webinar, Online, 2021.
Bruland, Dirk, et al. Health Literacy in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Current Research, Experiences and Implications. Shifting from a Deficit Perspective to a Resource Oriented Perspective. 2021.


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