With enthusiasm and energy: promoting physical activity in people with intellectual disabilities.

Ä.-D. Latteck, A. Mauro, D. Bruland, in: 2021.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Englisch
13th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability. From Science to practice – improving mental health in persons with intellectual disability
2021-09-23 – 2021-09-25


Latteck, Änne-Dörte ; Mauro, Antonia ; Bruland, Dirk: With enthusiasm and energy: promoting physical activity in people with intellectual disabilities. . In: , 2021
Latteck Ä-D, Mauro A, Bruland D. With enthusiasm and energy: promoting physical activity in people with intellectual disabilities. . In: ; 2021.
Latteck, Ä.-D., Mauro, A., & Bruland, D. (2021). With enthusiasm and energy: promoting physical activity in people with intellectual disabilities. . Presented at the 13th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability. From Science to practice – improving mental health in persons with intellectual disability, Berlin.
@inproceedings{Latteck_Mauro_Bruland_2021, title={With enthusiasm and energy: promoting physical activity in people with intellectual disabilities. }, author={Latteck, Änne-Dörte and Mauro, Antonia and Bruland, Dirk}, year={2021} }
Latteck, Änne-Dörte, Antonia Mauro, and Dirk Bruland. “With Enthusiasm and Energy: Promoting Physical Activity in People with Intellectual Disabilities. ,” 2021.
Ä.-D. Latteck, A. Mauro, and D. Bruland, “With enthusiasm and energy: promoting physical activity in people with intellectual disabilities. ,” presented at the 13th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability. From Science to practice – improving mental health in persons with intellectual disability, Berlin, 2021.
Latteck, Änne-Dörte, et al. With Enthusiasm and Energy: Promoting Physical Activity in People with Intellectual Disabilities. . 2021.


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