Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study

S. Hensely-Schinkinger, M. Schorch, H. Tellioğlu, I-Com - Journal of Interactive Media 17 (2018) 103–117.

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Artikel | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Hensely-Schinkinger, Susanne; Schorch, MarenFH Bielefeld ; Tellioğlu, Hilda
This case study report covers our experiences in using Cultural Probes during the first phase of our European and interdisciplinary research project TOPIC (The Online Platform for Informal Caregivers). In that stage of our research, we focused on two major issues: first, describing and analyzing the characteristics of the care and coordination work of elderly informal caregivers, and second, on first implications for design for the field of informal care. Although our general methodological approach was qualitative (ethnographic) with participant observation and interviewing, we included Cultural Probes as an additional method to ethnography for gaining insight information about the care practices by the means of self-observation of and reflection by the informal caregivers. The paper describes our adaptation of the Cultural Probes approach, the similarities and differences to Gaver et al. [1999. Interactions. 6(1): 21–29], the items of our TOPIC Cultural Probes Kit in detail, and re-constructs the design process of one of the items (the actimoClock). Based on the experiences of our participants with the probes kit and our analyses of that use, we also present lessons learned, pros and cons for including that method in the sensitive setting of informal caregiving.
i-com - Journal of Interactive Media


Hensely-Schinkinger, Susanne ; Schorch, Maren ; Tellioğlu, Hilda: Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study. In: i-com - Journal of Interactive Media Bd. 17, Walter de Gruyter GmbH (2018), Nr. 2, S. 103–117
Hensely-Schinkinger S, Schorch M, Tellioğlu H. Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study. i-com - Journal of Interactive Media. 2018;17(2):103-117. doi:10.1515/icom-2018-0010
Hensely-Schinkinger, S., Schorch, M., & Tellioğlu, H. (2018). Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study. I-Com - Journal of Interactive Media, 17(2), 103–117.
@article{Hensely-Schinkinger_Schorch_Tellioğlu_2018, title={Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study}, volume={17}, DOI={10.1515/icom-2018-0010}, number={2}, journal={i-com - Journal of Interactive Media}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Hensely-Schinkinger, Susanne and Schorch, Maren and Tellioğlu, Hilda}, year={2018}, pages={103–117} }
Hensely-Schinkinger, Susanne, Maren Schorch, and Hilda Tellioğlu. “Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study.” I-Com - Journal of Interactive Media 17, no. 2 (2018): 103–17.
S. Hensely-Schinkinger, M. Schorch, and H. Tellioğlu, “Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study,” i-com - Journal of Interactive Media, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 103–117, 2018.
Hensely-Schinkinger, Susanne, et al. “Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study.” I-Com - Journal of Interactive Media, vol. 17, no. 2, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2018, pp. 103–17, doi:10.1515/icom-2018-0010.

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