Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care"

H. Tellioğlu, M. Lewkowicz, F. Pinatti de Carvalho, M. Schorch, I. Brešković, eds., Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care", ACM New York, NY, USA, 2014.

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Buch als Herausgeber | Englisch
Tellioğlu, Hilda; Lewkowicz, Myriam; Pinatti de Carvalho, Fabiano; Schorch, MarenFH Bielefeld ; Brešković, Ivan


Tellioğlu, H. ; Lewkowicz, M. ; Pinatti de Carvalho, F. ; Schorch, M. ; Brešković, I. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care". NY, USA : ACM New York, 2014
Tellioğlu H, Lewkowicz M, Pinatti de Carvalho F, Schorch M, Brešković I, eds. Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care". NY, USA: ACM New York; 2014. doi:10.1145/2556420.2558862
Tellioğlu, H., Lewkowicz, M., Pinatti de Carvalho, F., Schorch, M., & Brešković, I. (Eds.). (2014). Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care". NY, USA: ACM New York.
@book{Tellioğlu_Lewkowicz_Pinatti de Carvalho_Schorch_Brešković_2014, place={NY, USA}, title={Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care"}, DOI={10.1145/2556420.2558862}, publisher={ACM New York}, year={2014} }
Tellioğlu, Hilda, Myriam Lewkowicz, Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho, Maren Schorch, and Ivan Brešković, eds. Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care". NY, USA: ACM New York, 2014.
H. Tellioğlu, M. Lewkowicz, F. Pinatti de Carvalho, M. Schorch, and I. Brešković, Eds., Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care". NY, USA: ACM New York, 2014.
Tellioğlu, Hilda, et al., editors. Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop „Collaboration and Coordination in the Contect of Informal Care". ACM New York, 2014, doi:10.1145/2556420.2558862.


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