Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/µc-Si Solar Cells

J.A. Weicht, F. Hamelmann, G. Behrens, in: WIP, 2016.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
In our work we observe the temperature coefficients before and after light-induced degradation of amorphous/micro-crystalline (a-Si/μc-Si) tandem silicon-based solar cells. We show that during light-induced degradation the temperature parameters of the serial and parallel resistance, photo current and the saturation current in the diode model change: the temperature has a stronger effect after the light-induced degradation, the temperaturecoefficient of silicon-based thin film solar cells varies during the light-induced degradation.
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition


Weicht, J.A. ; Hamelmann, Frank ; Behrens, Grit: Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/µc-Si Solar Cells. In:  : WIP, 2016
Weicht JA, Hamelmann F, Behrens G. Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/µc-Si Solar Cells. In: WIP; 2016. doi:10.4229/EUPVSEC20162016-3DV.1.4
Weicht, J. A., Hamelmann, F., & Behrens, G. (2016). Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/µc-Si Solar Cells. Presented at the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, WIP.
@inproceedings{Weicht_Hamelmann_Behrens_2016, title={Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/µc-Si Solar Cells}, DOI={10.4229/EUPVSEC20162016-3DV.1.4}, publisher={WIP}, author={Weicht, J.A. and Hamelmann, Frank and Behrens, Grit}, year={2016} }
Weicht, J.A., Frank Hamelmann, and Grit Behrens. “Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/Μc-Si Solar Cells.” WIP, 2016.
J. A. Weicht, F. Hamelmann, and G. Behrens, “Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/µc-Si Solar Cells,” presented at the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2016.
Weicht, J. A., et al. Changes in Temperature-Coefficient of the Diode Model Caused by Light-Induced Degradation of a-Si/Μc-Si Solar Cells. WIP, 2016, doi:10.4229/EUPVSEC20162016-3DV.1.4.


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