{"status":"public","_id":"3403","extern":"1","date_updated":"2023-08-04T07:27:40Z","date_created":"2023-07-28T07:33:20Z","citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Hadzi-Kostova_Haubrock_Styczynski_2004, title={Investigation of the Influence of Non-sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection}, author={Hadzi-Kostova, Biljana and Haubrock, Jens and Styczynski, Zbigniew Antoni}, year={2004} }","short":"B. Hadzi-Kostova, J. Haubrock, Z.A. Styczynski, in: 2004.","mla":"Hadzi-Kostova, Biljana, et al. Investigation of the Influence of Non-Sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection. 2004.","chicago":"Hadzi-Kostova, Biljana, Jens Haubrock, and Zbigniew Antoni Styczynski. “Investigation of the Influence of Non-Sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection,” 2004.","alphadin":"Hadzi-Kostova, Biljana ; Haubrock, Jens ; Styczynski, Zbigniew Antoni: Investigation of the Influence of Non-sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection. In: , 2004","ama":"Hadzi-Kostova B, Haubrock J, Styczynski ZA. Investigation of the Influence of Non-sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection. In: ; 2004.","apa":"Hadzi-Kostova, B., Haubrock, J., & Styczynski, Z. A. (2004). Investigation of the Influence of Non-sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection. Presented at the Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conf., Sarajevo.","ieee":"B. Hadzi-Kostova, J. Haubrock, and Z. A. Styczynski, “Investigation of the Influence of Non-sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection,” presented at the Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conf., Sarajevo, 2004."},"title":"Investigation of the Influence of Non-sinusoidal Currents and Voltages on the Digital Distance Protection","user_id":"249199","year":"2004","type":"conference","author":[{"first_name":"Biljana","last_name":"Hadzi-Kostova","full_name":"Hadzi-Kostova, Biljana"},{"full_name":"Haubrock, Jens","last_name":"Haubrock","first_name":"Jens","id":"205308"},{"full_name":"Styczynski, Zbigniew Antoni","last_name":"Styczynski","first_name":"Zbigniew Antoni"}],"conference":{"name":" Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conf.","location":"Sarajevo"},"language":[{"iso":"eng"}]}