Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route Training System for the Cognitively Impaired

K. Rink, T. Gruschka, P. Palsbröker, M. Baez Gonzalez, D. Becking, U. Seelmeyer, G. Dobslaw, P. Stolz, in: Association for Computing Machinery (Ed.), “Software Engineering in Society” (SEIS) Track, Melbourne (Australia), 2023.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Englisch
Rink, Konstantin; Gruschka, TristanFH Bielefeld ; Palsbröker, Patrick; Baez Gonzalez, MarcosFH Bielefeld ; Becking, DominicFH Bielefeld ; Seelmeyer, UdoFH Bielefeld ; Dobslaw, GudrunFH Bielefeld; Stolz, Patricia
herausgebende Körperschaft
Association for Computing Machinery
CareTech OWL - Zentrum für Gesundheit, Soziales und Technologie
In this paper we describe the design and development of a route training system for individuals with cognitive impairments (CIs) living in residential care facilities. Learning to move autonomously in public spaces is a fundamental skill for people with CI, who face several challenges to independently and safely move around. Yet, exploring opportunities for route training support, especially in residential settings, has received very little attention. To explore these opportunities, we followed a design and development process based on inclusive design practices that considered the organisational context and aimed at involving people with CI in the software design. To ensure our solution addressed the identified needs and abilities of this heterogeneous population, we further framed the route training definition as a design process that is enacted by the system, making the trainer and user co-creators of a personalised training. In this paper we report on the needs and challenges for mobility training in residential settings, introduce the design and formative evaluation of the route training system, to conclude with reflections and considerations on our methodological approach.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
"Software Engineering in Society" (SEIS) track
45th Internationl Conference on Software Engineering - ICSE 2023
Melbourne (Australia)
2023-05-17 – 2023-05-19


Rink, Konstantin ; Gruschka, Tristan ; Palsbröker, Patrick ; Baez Gonzalez, Marcos ; Becking, Dominic ; Seelmeyer, Udo ; Dobslaw, Gudrun ; Stolz, Patricia: Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route  Training System for the Cognitively Impaired. In: Association for Computing Machinery (Hrsg.): „Software Engineering in Society“ (SEIS) track. Melbourne (Australia), 2023
Rink K, Gruschka T, Palsbröker P, et al. Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route  Training System for the Cognitively Impaired. In: Association for Computing Machinery, ed. “Software Engineering in Society” (SEIS) Track. Melbourne (Australia); 2023. doi:
Rink, K., Gruschka, T., Palsbröker, P., Baez Gonzalez, M., Becking, D., Seelmeyer, U., … Stolz, P. (2023). Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route  Training System for the Cognitively Impaired. In Association for Computing Machinery (Ed.), “Software Engineering in Society” (SEIS) track. Melbourne (Australia).
@inproceedings{Rink_Gruschka_Palsbröker_Baez Gonzalez_Becking_Seelmeyer_Dobslaw_Stolz_2023, place={Melbourne (Australia)}, title={Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route  Training System for the Cognitively Impaired}, DOI={}, booktitle={“Software Engineering in Society” (SEIS) track}, author={Rink, Konstantin and Gruschka, Tristan and Palsbröker, Patrick and Baez Gonzalez, Marcos and Becking, Dominic and Seelmeyer, Udo and Dobslaw, Gudrun and Stolz, Patricia}, editor={Association for Computing MachineryEditor}, year={2023} }
Rink, Konstantin, Tristan Gruschka, Patrick Palsbröker, Marcos Baez Gonzalez, Dominic Becking, Udo Seelmeyer, Gudrun Dobslaw, and Patricia Stolz. “Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route  Training System for the Cognitively Impaired.” In “Software Engineering in Society” (SEIS) Track, edited by Association for Computing Machinery. Melbourne (Australia), 2023.
K. Rink et al., “Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route  Training System for the Cognitively Impaired,” in “Software Engineering in Society” (SEIS) track, Melbourne (Australia), 2023.
Rink, Konstantin, et al. “Walking Down the Road to Independent Mobility: An Adaptive Route  Training System for the Cognitively Impaired.” “Software Engineering in Society” (SEIS) Track, edited by Association for Computing Machinery, 2023, doi:

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