{"volume":175,"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"status":"public","_id":"2879","citation":{"alphadin":"Tran, Luc-Sy ; Pieper, Julia ; Zeng, Meirong ; Li, Yuyang ; Zhang, Xiaoyuan ; Li, Wei ; Graf, Isabelle ; Qi, Fei ; u. a.: Influence of the biofuel isomers diethyl ether and n-butanol on flame structure and pollutant formation in premixed n-butane flames. In: Combustion and Flame Bd. 175, Elsevier BV (2017), S. 47–59","chicago":"Tran, Luc-Sy, Julia Pieper, Meirong Zeng, Yuyang Li, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Wei Li, Isabelle Graf, Fei Qi, and Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus. “Influence of the Biofuel Isomers Diethyl Ether and N-Butanol on Flame Structure and Pollutant Formation in Premixed n-Butane Flames.” Combustion and Flame 175 (2017): 47–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.06.031.","mla":"Tran, Luc-Sy, et al. “Influence of the Biofuel Isomers Diethyl Ether and N-Butanol on Flame Structure and Pollutant Formation in Premixed n-Butane Flames.” Combustion and Flame, vol. 175, Elsevier BV, 2017, pp. 47–59, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.06.031.","short":"L.-S. Tran, J. Pieper, M. Zeng, Y. Li, X. Zhang, W. Li, I. Graf, F. Qi, K. Kohse-Höinghaus, Combustion and Flame 175 (2017) 47–59.","bibtex":"@article{Tran_Pieper_Zeng_Li_Zhang_Li_Graf_Qi_Kohse-Höinghaus_2017, title={Influence of the biofuel isomers diethyl ether and n-butanol on flame structure and pollutant formation in premixed n-butane flames}, volume={175}, DOI={10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.06.031}, journal={Combustion and Flame}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Tran, Luc-Sy and Pieper, Julia and Zeng, Meirong and Li, Yuyang and Zhang, Xiaoyuan and Li, Wei and Graf, Isabelle and Qi, Fei and Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina}, year={2017}, pages={47–59} }","ieee":"L.-S. Tran et al., “Influence of the biofuel isomers diethyl ether and n-butanol on flame structure and pollutant formation in premixed n-butane flames,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 175, pp. 47–59, 2017.","apa":"Tran, L.-S., Pieper, J., Zeng, M., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Li, W., … Kohse-Höinghaus, K. (2017). Influence of the biofuel isomers diethyl ether and n-butanol on flame structure and pollutant formation in premixed n-butane flames. Combustion and Flame, 175, 47–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.06.031","ama":"Tran L-S, Pieper J, Zeng M, et al. Influence of the biofuel isomers diethyl ether and n-butanol on flame structure and pollutant formation in premixed n-butane flames. Combustion and Flame. 2017;175:47-59. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.06.031"},"title":"Influence of the biofuel isomers diethyl ether and n-butanol on flame structure and pollutant formation in premixed n-butane flames","year":"2017","type":"journal_article","publication_status":"published","author":[{"full_name":"Tran, Luc-Sy","last_name":"Tran","first_name":"Luc-Sy"},{"first_name":"Julia","id":"238860","full_name":"Pieper, Julia","last_name":"Pieper"},{"last_name":"Zeng","full_name":"Zeng, Meirong","first_name":"Meirong"},{"last_name":"Li","full_name":"Li, Yuyang","first_name":"Yuyang"},{"last_name":"Zhang","full_name":"Zhang, Xiaoyuan","first_name":"Xiaoyuan"},{"first_name":"Wei","full_name":"Li, Wei","last_name":"Li"},{"full_name":"Graf, Isabelle","last_name":"Graf","first_name":"Isabelle"},{"first_name":"Fei","last_name":"Qi","full_name":"Qi, Fei"},{"full_name":"Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina","last_name":"Kohse-Höinghaus","first_name":"Katharina"}],"publisher":"Elsevier BV","doi":"10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.06.031","publication":"Combustion and Flame","date_updated":"2023-05-10T13:21:40Z","date_created":"2023-05-09T11:36:10Z","publication_identifier":{"issn":["00102180"]},"intvolume":" 175","quality_controlled":"1","page":"47-59","user_id":"249199"}